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حبيت اليوم أن أضع لكم هذا الخبر

إليكم آخر التحديث updateات للسيبنل والأباتشي



وللإصدار Current

تم تحديث update وإضافة وحل مشاكل ,,



وللإصدار Edge

تم تحديث update وإضافة وحل مشاكل


Replaced “Can't locate Carp/Heavy.pm message” with a more meaningful message for dnscluster
Suppressed spurious theme missing warning for DNSONLY
Updated chkservd setup for DNSONLY
Dropped default monitoring of cpanellogd for DNSONLY
Prevented showing license update failure for DNSONLY
Resolved issue where initquota was not properly detecting the backup mount point
Added logic to safely handle detection of corrupted SSL certificate files when checking expiration times
Added an exclusion setupcontab that prevents mailman crons from being added on DNSONLY
Fixed WebDisk accounts to allow for previously valid long usernames
Added info and 'new window' links regarding bracket notation in live editor dialog
Will no longer run spamassassin on mail from trusted hosts
Added directory_transport support for /.forward files for Exim
Fixed the problem with CGI Handler causes ISINDEX keyword URL to run -s flag
Ensured memory limits are unset so addons can be install on systems with low maxmem settings
Allowing monitoring of Exim on DNSONLY
Fixed issue where incremental backups where not listed for download by simplification of backupadmin LIST function

Updated the mail routing after a transfer
Detect Xen PV instances that do not report hypervisor signatures
Set disk_usage_include_sqldbs default setting to 0 to allow unchecking the checkbox (only occurring in 11.25.0

Updated Cpanel::AdvConfig::apache::vhost logic to handle insertion of SSL vhost after updating standard vhost and to prevent spurious error messages about domain ownership conflict
Ensured /var/cpanel/i_locales directories are created
Updated verbiage for package modifications related to shared and dedicated IPs

Resolved issue with displaying package names with spaces in list accounts
Added logic to disable downgrading Horde from Groupware version
Added more verbose mechanism for obtaining status of load_package for creating more accurate messages in changepackage XML API command
Added key to output from SSL::genkey API2 command
Resolved issue with displaying package names with spaces in list accounts



وللإصدار Release

تم حديث قواعد البيانات إلى الإصدار


وتم تحديث update وحل مشاكل

Detect Xen PV instances that do not report hypervisor signatures
Set disk_usage_include_sqldbs default setting to 0 to allow unchecking the checkbox (only occurring in 11.25.0

Updated Cpanel::AdvConfig::apache::vhost logic to handle insertion of SSL vhost after updating standard vhost and to prevent spurious error messages about domain ownership
Updated verbiage for package modifications related to shared and dedicated IPs
Ensured /var/cpanel/i_locales directories are created
Ensured cpanellogd is not monitored for DNSONLY
Made breadcrumbs in WHM read from dnsonlybreadcrumb when dnsonly is active
Resolved issue with displaying package names with spaces in list accounts
Added logic to disable downgrading Horde from Groupware version
Added more verbose mechanism for obtaining status of load_package for creating more accurate messages in changepackage XML API command
Added key to output from SSL::genkey API2 command
Resolved issue with displaying package names with spaces in list accounts
Prevent grants from failing first time when adding access hosts
Resolve undefined sub routine error in build 44517 when unsuspending accounts
Added a script to rebootstrap Perl after an upgrade on FreeBSD
Added an API2 version of the old lastvisitors cpanel tag
Added log messages for failed custom event handlers while in debug mode
Added security token to full backup download links
Adjusted bandwidth total calculations to always use user file
Allow 8+ character usernames to be brought over during transfers, but usernames will be truncated to 8 characters on cPanel side
Changed /scripts/updated_db_cache to not query the DB service at all when diska_usage_include_sqldbs is disabled
Cleaned up Plesk version detection when building account datastores for transfers
Cleaned up changezoneip to not write to stdout to allow properly formated responses from XML API
Correct problem with udpate-horde parsing .my.cnf
Corrected Email Disk Usage Notifications always sending as "full" state to send at selected setting request
Corrected PHPMyAdmin Imports not working in version 11.25.0
Corrected bandwidth counting twice on subdomains
Corrected behavior of the MySQL Databases page querying MySQL's information_schema when diska_usage_include_sqldbs is disabled
Corrected issue with transfer failing if horde database doesn't exist
Corrected problem with ensim database permissions being incorrect after being transferred
Corrected problem with generating symlinks for users that have been terminated
Corrected with ensim: database permissions being incorrect after a transfer
Created a more robust handling of bad ftplog and byteslogs backups
Data retrieved from information_schema is now cached with an SQL request
Dropped Time::HiRes dependency from Cpanel::Rollback as it was causing update /scripts to fail
Ensured bandwidth is shown for main domain when domain does not have http traffic, but other traffic
Files in a non-UTF-8, non-ISO-8859-1 encoding are no longer mistaken as binary files when choosing to view and edit files from the file manager
Fix to stats manager to correct display of accounts that have stats enabled
Fixed dynamic loading of Cpanel::Template
Fixed error which prevented EA3 from running by ensuring SysPkgs::FREEBSD::checkconfig returns true when portupgrade is functional
Fixed eximup --force on FreeBSD, and poor detection of broken exim binary
Fixed problem with valiases of addons not being restored during DA transfers
Fixed reuse of session files by wysiwygpro after cpanel account switch and use of the HTML editor
Fixed that transfer account list doesn't show already transferred accounts in red
Fixed version comparisons of FreeBSD packages
Graceful restart cpsrvd when rotating cPanel logs
Improved detection of paravirtualized environments
Initialize CPAN::Config on new installs
Made bandwidth files and security policy files follow accounts when the username is changed
Made certain offset file is cleared when truncating log while processing bandwidth
Made change to use .locale.DIR instead of DIR.locale for consistency with spamassassinconfig.html
Made re-suspending an account safe; and addressed issue where .htaccess file may be lost when unsuspending an account (only if .htaccess file were empty to begin with)
Make default disk_usage_include_sqldbs tweak setting match update_db_cache default
Modified the handling of the "failurl" parameter used for failed login attempts, it now will only redirect to URLs provided in /var/cpanel/failurls
Patch AWStats to pass the ssl attribute along on date picker
Prevent attempted modification of a RO quota file to quiet error messages in /scripts/initquota
Remove the users.cache entry when terminating an account

Removed all support for installing software via packages on FreeBSD
Resolved problem of Plesk updateuserdomains.static doesn't quote MySQL admin password in /root/.my.cnf during a Plesk server migrate
Resolved that email forwarders with = sign could not be deleted
Restored creation of the access-logs symlink during account creation
Reworded file_max_upload_bytes description to accurately describe it as affecting all uploads and form submissions
Skip standard maildir subdirectories when searching for virtual user maildirs
Suppressed warnings when parsing the ftp bytes log
Updated bandwidth links in cPanel to show correct information for main domain due to differences between bandwidth user file versus main domain
Updated install/0users to fix default account quota problems; and updated scripts/editquota to make use of the 'quotaoff' argument
Updated updateuserdomains.static for Plesk 9
Updated verbiage for the DB Disk Calculation tweak
Upgraded Template::Toolkit to 2.22
Updated Roundcube to 0.3.1
Updated Squirrelmail to 1.4.20
Use correct split separator for separating email addresses for use in the Contact Us feature
Use same PHP binary for cpanel parsed and cpsrvd parsed wysiwygpro pages

بتاريخ 2014-04-19 تم تحديث update برنامج الأباتشي


إلى الإصدار



وللإصدار Stable

تم تحديث update وإضافة وحل مشاكل ,,

Detect Xen PV instances that do not report hypervisor signatures
Set disk_usage_include_sqldbs default setting to 0 to allow unchecking the checkbox (only occurring in 11.25.0)
Updated Cpanel::AdvConfig::apache::vhost logic to handle insertion of SSL vhost after updating standard vhost and to prevent spurious error messages about domain ownership conflict
Updated verbiage for package modifications related to shared and dedicated IPs
Ensured /var/cpanel/i_locales directories are created
Ensured cpanellogd is not monitored for DNSONLY
Made breadcrumbs in WHM read from dnsonlybreadcrumb when dnsonly is active
Resolved issue with displaying package names with spaces in list accounts
Added logic to disable downgrading Horde from Groupware version
Added more verbose mechanism for obtaining status of load_package for creating more accurate messages in changepackage XML API command
Added key to output from SSL::genkey API2 command
Resolved issue with displaying package names with spaces in list accounts
Prevent grants from failing first time when adding access hosts
Resolve undefined sub routine error in build 44517 when unsuspending accounts
Added a script to rebootstrap Perl after an upgrade on FreeBSD
Added an API2 version of the old lastvisitors cpanel tag
Added log messages for failed custom event handlers while in debug mode
Added security token to full backup download links
Adjusted bandwidth total calculations to always use user file
Allow 8+ character usernames to be brought over during transfers, but usernames will be truncated to 8 characters on cPanel side
Changed /scripts/updated_db_cache to not query the DB service at all when diska_usage_include_sqldbs is disabled
Cleaned up Plesk version detection when building account datastores for transfers
Cleaned up changezoneip to not write to stdout to allow properly formated responses from XML API
Correct problem with udpate-horde parsing .my.cnf
Corrected Email Disk Usage Notifications always sending as "full" state to send at selected setting request
Corrected PHPMyAdmin Imports not working in version 11.25.0
Corrected bandwidth counting twice on subdomains
Corrected behavior of the MySQL Databases page querying MySQL's information_schema when diska_usage_include_sqldbs is disabled
Corrected issue with transfer failing if horde database doesn't exist
Corrected problem with ensim database permissions being incorrect after being transferred
Corrected problem with generating symlinks for users that have been terminated
Corrected with ensim: database permissions being incorrect after a transfer
Created a more robust handling of bad ftplog and byteslogs backups
Data retrieved from information_schema is now cached with an SQL request
Dropped Time::HiRes dependency from Cpanel::Rollback as it was causing update /scripts to fail
Ensured bandwidth is shown for main domain when domain does not have http traffic, but other traffic
Files in a non-UTF-8, non-ISO-8859-1 encoding are no longer mistaken as binary files when choosing to view and edit files from the file manager
Fix to stats manager to correct display of accounts that have stats enabled
Fixed dynamic loading of Cpanel::Template
Fixed error which prevented EA3 from running by ensuring SysPkgs::FREEBSD::checkconfig returns true when portupgrade is functional
Fixed eximup --force on FreeBSD, and poor detection of broken exim binary
Fixed problem with valiases of addons not being restored during DA transfers
Fixed reuse of session files by wysiwygpro after cpanel account switch and use of the HTML editor
Fixed that transfer account list doesn't show already transferred accounts in red
Fixed version comparisons of FreeBSD packages
Graceful restart cpsrvd when rotating cPanel logs
Improved detection of paravirtualized environments
Initialize CPAN::Config on new installs
Made bandwidth files and security policy files follow accounts when the username is changed
Made certain offset file is cleared when truncating log while processing bandwidth
Made change to use .locale.DIR instead of DIR.locale for consistency with spamassassinconfig.html
Made re-suspending an account safe; and addressed issue where .htaccess file may be lost when unsuspending an account (only if .htaccess file were empty to begin with)
Make default disk_usage_include_sqldbs tweak setting match update_db_cache default
Modified the handling of the "failurl" parameter used for failed login attempts, it now will only redirect to URLs provided in /var/cpanel/failurls
Patch AWStats to pass the ssl attribute along on date picker
Prevent attempted modification of a RO quota file to quiet error messages in /scripts/initquota
Remove the users.cache entry when terminating an account
Removed all support for installing software via packages on FreeBSD
Resolved problem of Plesk updateuserdomains.static doesn't quote MySQL admin password in /root/.my.cnf during a Plesk server migrate
Resolved that email forwarders with = sign could not be deleted
Restored creation of the access-logs symlink during account creation
Reworded file_max_upload_bytes description to accurately describe it as affecting all uploads and form submissions
Skip standard maildir subdirectories when searching for virtual user maildirs
Suppressed warnings when parsing the ftp bytes log
Updated bandwidth links in cPanel to show correct information for main domain due to differences between bandwidth user file versus main domain
Updated install/0users to fix default account quota problems; and updated scripts/editquota to make use of the 'quotaoff' argument
Updated updateuserdomains.static for Plesk 9
Updated verbiage for the DB Disk Calculation tweak
Upgraded Template::Toolkit to 2.22
Updated Roundcube to 0.3.1
Updated Squirrelmail to 1.4.20
Use correct split separator for separating email addresses for use in the Contact Us feature
Use same PHP binary for cpanel parsed and cpsrvd parsed wysiwygpro pages

طريقة تحديث update السيبنل من الشل قم بتطبيق ,,

رمز PHP:
<code style="white-space:nowrap"> <code> /scripts/upcp --force
</code> </code>

طريقة تحديث update قواعد البيانات


طريقة تحديث update الأباتشي ,,

إعادة البناء

ولعمل جميع التحديث updateات

السيبنل - الأباتشي - قواعد البيانات وكل شيئ


وفي الختام ينصح بترقية upgrade السيبنل لإنه تم حل أغلب المشاكل في هذه التحديث updateات

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