اني بديت ودرت مقدمة وانواع التلوت قولي ادا عجبك


"Is the total of the things that surround us and affect on the existence of living organisms on the surface of the earth, including water and air

And soil and minerals, climate, organisms themselves, as can be described as a set of interlocking systems with each

Some degree of complexity that affect and determine our survival in this small world, which we deal with on a regular basis. "

* Can we classify the types of environment?

- There are two types of environment:
1 - a physical environment (air - water - earth).
2 - biological environment (plants - animals - Rights).
3 - In the light of progress and civil notice, and the world is going through day after day we can be divided into three types related to the progress that other human caused:

A - a natural environment:
Which is also in: Air - Water - Earth.

B - a social environment:
A set of laws and regulations that govern the internal relations of individuals to the institutions and political bodies and social development.

C - an industrial environment:
Any man-made from: villages - Cities - Farms - factories - networks

Pollution: -

What is ... Pollution?

Certainly ask each person for himself or define the nature of pollution. Simple definition, which amounts to the mind of any one of us: "The fact that the thing is clean," which then result in damage and health problems for humans but for the living, and the whole world, but if we look at the concept of pollution in a more scientific and accurate: -
"Is to make a change in the environment that surrounds living organisms and human-induced activities of daily leading to the emergence of some of the resources that do not fit with the place in which they live organism and lead to the Fifty"

And man is that controls are essential in making this a useful resource either pollutants or convert them to the resources adversely Consider, for example, that: -
We find that the biological waste of animals are a useful resource if used fertilizers to agricultural soil, either if disposed of in storm drains lead to the spread of diseases and epidemics.
And man is the main reason the primary cause of pollution in the environment and the emergence of all pollutants of various kinds will we represent as follows: -
= Human industrial expansion - technological progress - the misuse of resources - the population explosion.
* Man is the one who invented.
* He who does.
* Is used.
* Which is the main component of the population.

Air pollution: -
If a person wants to maintain his health must be to control the air pollution because it is the Elixir of Life that we breathe and air pollutants in causing the death of about 50,000 people per year (ie, this percentage represents about 2% of the overall percentage of other causes of death

One of the most alarming elements in this area is to smoke from tobacco or cigarettes, which kills about 3 million people a year are expected to increase this percentage to 10 million people annually in the next four decades if the existence of such a phenomenon.
We mean the existence of air pollution by harmful substances to the detriment of human health in the first place and then the environment in which they live, and air pollutants can be classified into two categories: -
1 - Section I: natural sources do not have any income for a person, such as dust ... And other factors.
2 - Section II: industrial sources as any man-made which caused the first Fajtrall of the means of technology that is thought to increase the ease of his life is quite the contrary and complicated by pollution: exhaust fumes resulting from fuel to generate electricity ... And the other which leads to the emission of gases and fine particles are spread in the air around us and harm our environment, natural scenery. We find that the large industrial cities in all parts of the world is one of the areas most vulnerable to the phenomenon of pollution, in addition to the developing countries that do not have the potential to reduce the pollution of the environment

Pollution waste:

Types of environmental pollution, waste and pollution, which include:
1 - garbage.
2 - radioactive waste.

1 - trash:
What is meant here by garbage and human activity in their daily lives. We find that the rate of increase in developing countries, especially in light of overpopulation. And we will hold a simple comparison between the components of garbage and rate in some countries.

- The lead of this waste with the absence of awareness of health systems with a poor collection and disposal of serious damage to the following:
- The spread of odors.
- Fire and fires.
- A fertile environment for the emergence of insects such as flies, mosquitoes and rats.
- Multiplication of microbes that cause infection:
1 - diarrhea.
2 - cholera.
3 - Aldosntrella amoebiasis.
4 - Hepatitis.
5 - tetanus.
6 - tuberculosis.
7 - visual disturbances.
8 - the spread of livestock disease germs

Radioactive contamination

Contamination occurs when radioactive release or leak of radioactive material (solid, liquid or gaseous) of the blood that they contain through holes or cracks or as a result of the explosion. Merge after the leakage of radioactive materials in the various elements of the environment such as water, soil and air to move then to humans.

And water pollution can be transmitted directly to humans or from leakage through the consumption of animals, fish and marine plants which are of ability to concentrate radioactive materials in their bodies.

The pollution of the soil will move to the plants and then to direct human or when dealing with animals that feed on those plants contaminated in spite of that, the leakage of radioactive materials into the soil is less of pollution dangerous because it is topical because the time required to move radioactive materials through the soil layers that reach the groundwater be long.

This pollution is easier in the detection, identification, and in dealing with it and treat it.

When air pollution lead to the spread of the pollution in large areas if the wind played a role in moving the radioactive cloud (as happened in the incident, Cher Noble). And air pollution may end Ptsaqt radioactive dust on the different regions, leading to pollution of land and water. This contamination does not occur only in major incidents, which destroys the heart of the reactor.

And air pollution also occurs when increasing concentration of radon it. And inert gas radon, a colorless and odorless radioactive and has therefore degrades emission of charged alpha particles to solid products called radon daughters

It is worth mentioning that all of these isotopes emitting gamma radiation for causing the risk of chest diseases such as lung cancer, some scientists have interpreted the phenomenon of "The Curse of the Pharaohs" as occurring as a result of the vulnerability of people who open the tombs of a massive dose of radioactive radon gas. It is known that radon seeps into the air and groundwater, and up to homes through cracks in foundations.

So warns the occupants of the roles the bottom in rocky areas the provisions of the closure of the windows in the winter to keep the warm air inside the house and lack of regular ventilation.

This is because the trapped air may be a carrier of radioactive radon and daughters in (Rn-daughters) chain of radioactive transformations ending shot.

Have been identified and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) s safe concentration limits for radon in the air to no more than 1.25 Peacocory / liter, 1.25 × 10 -12 Curie / liter.

Has focused on the Atomic Energy Authority, Egypt set up a network of monitoring radiation, which consists of 84 stations including 15 stations to monitor the gas and 14 to monitor the particles beta and 55 to monitor the radiation gamma is deployed on the border of East and North and South of the country and the most important objectives Note any change in the background radiation and recording any nuclear activity is not unusual to find a data base Data base and to provide national security, which is a new measure for the advancement of peoples

Water pollution:

Firstly freshwater pollution and its impact on human health:
- What are the elements that cause the pollution of fresh water?
Fresh water is water that deals with human directly because it is used in drinks and food that is eaten. I have seen sources of fresh water has deteriorated significantly in recent times for not directing a significant amount of attention to it. And can limit the factors that cause such a phenomenon:
1 - the use of water tanks in the absence of water access for the upper and the roles that are not Tnzfaha on a regular basis which is very dangerous.
2 - lack of sanitation and the disposal of its waste.
3 - get rid of the waste industry without treatment, but are dealt with in part.

As for groundwater, in some areas, we find the leak of some minerals of iron and manganese in addition to pesticides used on agricultural land.

- The effects of pollution of fresh water on human health:
The simplest thing that destroys human health immediately through his intestinal diseases, including:
1 - cholera.
2 - typhoid.
3 - all kinds of dysentery.
4 - Hepatitis.
5 - malaria.
6 - schistosomiasis.
7 - liver disease.
8 - cases of poisoning.
9 - as not only harmful to humans and caused disease, but rather extends to life in rivers and lakes where the fertilizer and residues of agriculture in the drainage water will help the growth of algae and various plants to the detriment of fisheries because these plants block sunlight and oxygen to reach them as they to help insects such as mosquitoes and snails that cause schistosomiasis, for example.

Second, pollution of the marine environment and its impact:
- Sources of pollution:
- Either because of oil resulting from the accidents of ships or tankers.
- Or as a result of sewage and industrial.

- The effects of marine pollution:
1 - cause many diseases to humans:
- Hepatitis.
- Cholera.
- Balenzlat intestinal infection.
- Infections of the skin.

2 - harm other living beings:
- Damage to fisheries.
- Migration of many birds useful.
- Damage to coral reefs, which in turn affect the attractions at the same time the wealth of fish where the fish take many of these coral reefs accommodation and its environment.

Soil pollution and degradation:
The soil is a source of welfare and fruits, one of the most elements that harm human use in this environment. It is measured by not realize how important it is the primary source of food for himself and his family, resulting in lack of awareness and understanding of this fact neglect them.

* The causes of soil degradation:
- Soil salinization and waterlogging (drumming), Valasthaddam excessive irrigation water with poor sanitation lead to damage to the soil.

- The existence of the phenomenon of desertification, and help in this process do not fall rain and wind activists working on the sand also to agricultural land.

- The use of pesticides and chemicals on the excessive.

- Urbanization, which led to the leveling and set-aside agricultural land.

- Pollution by material deposited from the atmosphere in industrial areas.

- Pollution by radioactive materials.

- Heavy ****l pollution.

- Pollution by living organisms.

* The effects of soil degradation:
- Lack of nutrients needed to build human and development, and more generally responsible for his life on the earth's surface.

- The disappearance of plant and animal groups, or other words extinction.

- Harm to other living beings:
A - damage to fisheries.
B - the migration of many birds useful.
C - damage to coral reefs, which in turn affect the attractions at the same time to take fisheries where many of these fish coral reef accommodation and environment

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