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هذا الكود code لعمل تحية للزوار على حسب الوقت

رمز Code:
<center> <script language=&quot;Javascript&quot;> <!-- day = new Date() hr = day.getHours() hr1 = hr - 12 if (hr < &quot;8&quot { ********.write(&quot;بسك روح أرقد؟؟‍‍‍‍‍‍!‍‍‍ ارحم نفسك.. مب زين السهر زياده يضر صحتك .. الساعة الان &quot;+hr+&quot;بعد منتصف الليل &quot } else if (hr < &quot;12&quot { ********.write(&quot;صباح الخير .. يارب يكون صباحك حلو وممتع .. أتمنى لك يوم سعيد(@@).. الساعة الان &quot;+hr+&quot;صباحاً &quot } else if (hr < &quot;15&quot { ********.write(&quot; اذا تغدية بالصحة والعافية ! وأذا ما تغدية روح تغدى .. صارت الساعة &quot;+hr1+&quot;ظهراً&quot } else if (hr < &quot;21&quot { ********.write(&quot;مساء الخيروالاحساس والطيبه .. الساعة الان &quot;+hr1+&quot; &quot } else if (hr < &quot;23&quot { ********.write(&quot;يسعد مساك وأقاتك ممكن طلب .. أذا شفت أي وصلة لا تعمل خبرني عنها في الايميل ..الساعة الحين &quot;+hr1+&quot;مساءً &quot } else if (hr > &quot;10&quot { ********.write(&quot;تصبح على خير.. صارت الساعه &quot;+hr1+&quot; ليلاً &quot } //--> //http://www.khayma.com/hamed </script> </center>

هذا الكود code لطلب ترشيح من الزائر عند فتح الصفحة

رمز Code:
<script language=&quot;JavaScript&quot;> <!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://www.shuala.cjb.net--> function vote () { vote4alnadeem=window.open(&quot;http://www.arank.com/cgi-bin/rank/rankem.cgi?action=in&id=shuala&quot; } function cancel () {} if (confirm(&quot;ممكن ترشحني لأفضل 100 موقع عربي؟؟&quot) { vote(); } else cancel() // --></script>

هذا الكود code لوضع زر في الصفحة عند الضغط عليه تقوم الصفحة بالتحديث update اتوماتيكيا

رمز Code:
<input type=&quot;Button&quot; name=&quot;lukk&quot; value=&quot; قم بتجديدالصفحة دائماً&quot; style=&quot;font-size: x-small; font-family: Tahoma; font-weight: normal; color: BLAC; background-color: #FFFFC6;&quot; onClick=&quot;javascript:location.reload()&quot;>

هذا الكود code لعمل تاريخ لموقعك بطريقة جميلة جداً

رمز Code:
<img src=&quot;http://cgibin.erols.com/cgi-bin/Count.cgi?display=date&dformat=DDMMYY&ft=3&tr=N&dd =C&quot;>

هذا الكود code لجعل الوصلات بدون خط وعندما تمر عليها الفأرة تتغير الوانها

رمز Code:
<style> <!-- A:link {text-decoration: none; color:00009c ;} A:visited {text-decoration: none; color: 00009c ;} A:active {text-decoration: none; color:0000ff ; } A:hover {text-decoration: underline;color:ff0000 ;} //--> </style>

محرك بحث رائع لاكثر من ستة مواقع عالمية

رمز Code:
<script language=&quot;JavaScript&quot;><!-- // START HIDE var MAX_ENGINES = 35; var tp=''; var tpp=''; var find = 'hunt'; var hold=0; var hold2=0; var gog=0; var ap=''; function MakeArray(n) { for (var i = 1; i <= n; i++) { this[i] = 0; } this.maxlen = n; this.len = 0; return this; } var engs = new MakeArray(MAX_ENGINES); function find_substring(needle, haystack) { var i, needlen = needle.length, haylen = haystack.length; for (i=0; i<=haylen-needlen; i++) { if (needle == haystack.substring(i,i+needlen)) return i; } return false; } function Engine(name, opts, home, search) { var gotcha = find_substring(find, search); this.name = name; this.opts = opts; this.home = home; this.pre_gotcha = search.substring(0,gotcha); this.post_gotcha= search.substring(gotcha+find.length, search.length); } function Add(name, opts, home, search) { engs.len++; if (engs.len <= engs.maxlen) { engs[engs.len] = new Engine(name, opts, home, search) } else { alert ('Better increase MAX_ENGINES: ' + engs.Len + '>' + engs.maxlen) } } function DisplayForm() { ********.writeln('<FORM Name=Gotchaform OnSubmit=&quot;HandleForm(this); return false&quot;>'); ********.writeln('<strong></strong>&nbsp;<INPUT size=15 name=&quot;query&quot;>'); ********.writeln('<strong></strong>&nbsp;<SELECT name=&quot;service&quot;>'); for (i=1; i <= engs.len; i++) { ********.writeln(&quot;<OPTION &quot; + engs[i].opts + &quot;> &quot; + engs[i].name); } ********.writeln('</SELECT> &nbsp;<input type=submit value=&quot;Search&quot;><br>'); ********.writeln('</FORM>'); ********.Gotchaform.query.focus() } function HandleForm(form){ var i, newq=&quot;&quot;, oldq=form.query.value; for (i=0; i<oldq.length; i++) { // compress [ ]+ into \+ var thischar = oldq.charAt(i); if (thischar ==&quot;+&quotnewq += &quot;%2B&quot;; else if (thischar != ' ') newq += thischar; else if (lastchar != ' ') newq += '+'; lastchar = thischar; } var eng = engs[1+form.service.selectedIndex]; // Window search=window.open(newq ? eng.pre_gotcha + newq + eng.post_gotcha : eng.home,&quot;SmartSearch&quot;,&quot;scrollbars= yes,toolbar=yes,location=yes,directories=yes,statu s=yes,menubar=yes,resizable=yes,width='100%',hight ='100%'&quot; } Add(&quot;Alta Vista&quot;,&quot;SELECTED&quot;,&quot;http://altavista.digital.com/&quot;,&quot;http://altavista.digital.com/cgi-bin/query?pg=q&what=web&fmt=d&q=hunt&quot; Add(&quot;Yahoo!&quot;,&quot;&quot;,&quot;http://www.yahoo.com/&quot;,&quot;http://search.yahoo.com/bin/search?p=hunt&quot; ); Add(&quot;DejaNews&quot;,&quot;&quot;,&quot;http://www.dejanews.com/&quot;,&quot;http://search.dejanews.com/nph-dnquery.xp?query=hunt&defaultOp=AND&svcclass=dncur rent&maxhits=25&quot; Add(&quot;HotBot&quot;,&quot;&quot;,&quot;http://www.search.hotbot.com&quot;,&quot;http://www.search.hotbot.com/search.html?MT=hunt&DC=25&quot; Add(&quot;Infoseek&quot;,&quot;&quot;,&quot;http://www.infoseek.com/Home?pg=Home.html&sv=A2&quot;,&quot;http://www.infoseek.com/Titles?qt=hunt&col=WW&sv=A2&quot; Add(&quot;Excite&quot;,&quot;&quot;,&quot;http://www.excite.com/&quot;,&quot;http://www.excite.com/search.gw?searchType=Concept&search=hunt&category= default&quot; Add(&quot;Lycos&quot;,&quot;&quot;,&quot;http://www.lycos.com/&quot;,&quot;http://www.lycos.com/cgi-bin/pursuit?query=hunt&backlink=639&quot; Add(&quot;Magellan&quot;,&quot;&quot;,&quot;http://www.mckinley.com/&quot;,&quot;http://www.mckinley.com/extsearch.cgi?query=hunt&quot; Add(&quot;OpenText&quot;,&quot;&quot;,&quot;http://search.opentext.com&quot;,&quot;http://search.opentext.com/omw/simplesearch?SearchFor=hunt&mode=and&quot; Add(&quot;WebCrawler&quot;,&quot;&quot;,&quot;http ://webcrawler.com/&quot;,&quot;http://webcrawler.com/cgi-bin/WebQuery?searchText=hunt&maxHits=25&quot; // Software Add(&quot;ZDNet Files&quot;,&quot;&quot;,&quot;http://www.zdnet.com/&quot;,&quot;http://www6.zdnet.com/cgi-bin/texis/swlib/hotfiles/search.html?Usrt=rel&Usrchtype=simple&Utext=hunt&q uot; Add(&quot;Filez&quot;,&quot;&quot;,&quot;http://www.filez.com/&quot;,&quot;http://filez.com/cgi/filez.cgi?query=hunt&type=All+Files&hits=50&domain =World&doit=Search/&quot; Add(&quot;Shareware.com&quot;,&quot;&quot;,&quot;h ttp://www.shareware.com/&quot;,&quot;http://search.shareware.com/code/engine/Find?logop=and&cfrom=quick&orfile=True&hits=25&sea rch=hunt&category=All-Categories&quot; Add(&quot;PC Gamer&quot;,&quot;&quot;,&quot;http://www.pcgame.com/&quot;,&quot;http://www.pcgame.com/finder/search.cgi?key=hunt&quot; // Denmark DisplayForm(); // STOP HIDE // --></script>

هذا الكود code لطلب الاسم عند دخول الصفحة ويلحقه ترحيب

رمز Code:
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=&quot;Javascript&quot;> //http://www.alsaher.net name=window.prompt(&quot;ادخل أسمك.&quot;,&quot;هنا &quot; ********.write(&quot;<H1 align=center>أهلا وسهلا بك يا! &quot;+name+&quot;.</H1>&quot //--> </script>

هذا الكود code لإضافة صورة ثابتة في الخلفية لا تتحرك

رمز Code:
<script language=&quot;JavaScript1.2&quot;> if (********.all) ********.body.style.cssText=&quot;background:white url(question.gif) no-repeat fixed center center&quot; </script>

هذا الكود code لجعل الصفحة تتحرك اتوماتيكيا من الاعلى الى الأسفل

رمز Code:
<script language=&quot;JavaScript1.2&quot;> //change 1 to another integer to alter the scroll speed. Greater is faster var speed=1 var currentpos=0,alt=1,curpos1=0,curpos2=-1 function initialize(){ startit() } function scrollwindow(){ if (********.all) temp=********.body.scrollTop else temp=window.pageYOffset if (alt==0) alt=1 else alt=0 if (alt==0) curpos1=temp else curpos2=temp if (curpos1!=curpos2){ if (********.all) currentpos=********.body.scrollTop+speed else currentpos=window.pageYOffset+speed window.scroll(0,currentpos) } else{ currentpos=0 window.scroll(0,currentpos) } } function startit(){ setInterval(&quot;scrollwindow()&quot;,10) } window.onload=initialize </script>

هذا الكود code لإضافة آلة حاسبة

رمز Code:
<!-- ONE STEP TO INSTALL ADVANCED CALCULATOR: 1. Paste the coding into the BODY of your HTML ******** --> <!-- STEP ONE: Copy this code into the BODY of your HTML ******** --> <BODY> <CENTER> <FORM name=&quot;Keypad&quot; action=&quot;&quot;> <!-- Original: http://www.dummyproof.com/javascripts --> <!--Total Java Scripts 99 - Next Step Software--> <TABLE> <B> <TABLE border=2 width=50 height=60 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=5> <TR> <TD colspan=3 align=middle> <input name=&quot;ReadOut&quot; type=&quot;Text&quot; size=24 value=&quot;0&quot; width=100%> </TD> <TD </TD> <TD> <input name=&quot;btnClear&quot; type=&quot;Button&quot; value=&quot; C &quot; onclick=&quot;Clear()&quot;> </TD> <TD><input name=&quot;btnClearEntry&quot; type=&quot;Button&quot; value=&quot; CE &quot; onclick=&quot;ClearEntry()&quot;> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <input name=&quot;btnSeven&quot; type=&quot;Button&quot; value=&quot; 7 &quot; onclick=&quot;NumPressed(7)&quot;> </TD> <TD> <input name=&quot;btnEight&quot; type=&quot;Button&quot; value=&quot; 8 &quot; onclick=&quot;NumPressed(8)&quot;> </TD> <TD> <input name=&quot;btnNine&quot; type=&quot;Button&quot; value=&quot; 9 &quot; onclick=&quot;NumPressed(9)&quot;> </TD> <TD> </TD> <TD> <input name=&quot;btnNeg&quot; type=&quot;Button&quot; value=&quot; +/- &quot; onclick=&quot;Neg()&quot;> </TD> <TD> <input name=&quot;btnPercent&quot; type=&quot;Button&quot; value=&quot; % &quot; onclick=&quot;Percent()&quot;> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <input name=&quot;btnFour&quot; type=&quot;Button&quot; value=&quot; 4 &quot; onclick=&quot;NumPressed(4)&quot;> </TD> <TD> <input name=&quot;btnFive&quot; type=&quot;Button&quot; value=&quot; 5 &quot; onclick=&quot;NumPressed(5)&quot;> </TD> <TD> <input name=&quot;btnSix&quot; type=&quot;Button&quot; value=&quot; 6 &quot; onclick=&quot;NumPressed(6)&quot;> </TD> <TD> </TD> <TD align=middle><input name=&quot;btnPlus&quot; type=&quot;Button&quot; value=&quot; + &quot; onclick=&quot;Operation('+')&quot;> </TD> <TD align=middle><input name=&quot;btnMinus&quot; type=&quot;Button&quot; value=&quot; - &quot; onclick=&quot;Operation('-')&quot;> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <input name=&quot;btnOne&quot; type=&quot;Button&quot; value=&quot; 1 &quot; onclick=&quot;NumPressed(1)&quot;> </TD> <TD> <input name=&quot;btnTwo&quot; type=&quot;Button&quot; value=&quot; 2 &quot; onclick=&quot;NumPressed(2)&quot;> </TD> <TD> <input name=&quot;btnThree&quot; type=&quot;Button&quot; value=&quot; 3 &quot; onclick=&quot;NumPressed(3)&quot;> </TD> <TD> </TD> <TD align=middle><input name=&quot;btnMultiply&quot; type=&quot;Button&quot; value=&quot; * &quot; onclick=&quot;Operation('*')&quot;> </TD> <TD align=middle><input name=&quot;btnDivide&quot; type=&quot;Button&quot; value=&quot; / &quot; onclick=&quot;Operation('/')&quot;> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <input name=&quot;btnZero&quot; type=&quot;Button&quot; value=&quot; 0 &quot; onclick=&quot;NumPressed(0)&quot;> </TD> <TD> <input name=&quot;btnDecimal&quot; type=&quot;Button&quot; value=&quot; . &quot; onclick=&quot;Decimal()&quot;> </TD> <TD colspan=3> </TD> <TD> <input name=&quot;btnEquals&quot; type=&quot;Button&quot; value=&quot; = &quot; onclick=&quot;Operation('=')&quot;> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </TABLE> </B> </FORM> </CENTER> <font face=&quot;Verdana, Arial, Helvetica&quot; size=2> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=&quot;JavaScript&quot;> <!-- Begin var FKeyPad = ********.Keypad; var Accum = 0; var FlagNewNum = false; var PendingOp = &quot;&quot;; function NumPressed (Num) { if (FlagNewNum) { FKeyPad.ReadOut.value = Num; FlagNewNum = false; } else { if (FKeyPad.ReadOut.value == &quot;0&quot FKeyPad.ReadOut.value = Num; else FKeyPad.ReadOut.value += Num; } } function Operation (Op) { var Readout = FKeyPad.ReadOut.value; if (FlagNewNum && PendingOp != &quot;=&quot; else { FlagNewNum = true; if ( '+' == PendingOp ) Accum += parseFloat(Readout); else if ( '-' == PendingOp ) Accum -= parseFloat(Readout); else if ( '/' == PendingOp ) Accum /= parseFloat(Readout); else if ( '*' == PendingOp ) Accum *= parseFloat(Readout); else Accum = parseFloat(Readout); FKeyPad.ReadOut.value = Accum; PendingOp = Op; } } function Decimal () { var curReadOut = FKeyPad.ReadOut.value; if (FlagNewNum) { curReadOut = &quot;0.&quot;; FlagNewNum = false; } else { if (curReadOut.indexOf(&quot;.&quot == -1) curReadOut += &quot;.&quot;; } FKeyPad.ReadOut.value = curReadOut; } function ClearEntry () { FKeyPad.ReadOut.value = &quot;0&quot;; FlagNewNum = true; } function Clear () { Accum = 0; PendingOp = &quot;&quot;; ClearEntry(); } function Neg () { FKeyPad.ReadOut.value = parseFloat(FKeyPad.ReadOut.value) * -1; } function Percent () { FKeyPad.ReadOut.value = (parseFloat(FKeyPad.ReadOut.value) / 100) * parseFloat(Accum); } // End --> </SCRIPT> <!-- Script Size: 4.05 KB -->

هذا الكود code لإضافة تقويم بالميلادي

رمز Code:
<!-- TWO STEPS TO INSTALL MONTHLY: CURRENT TIME - DAY HIGHLIGHTED: 1. Put the designated code into the BODY of your HTML ******** --> <!-- STEP ONE: Copy this code into the BODY of your HTML ******** --> <BODY> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=&quot;JavaScript&quot;> <!--Total Java Scripts 99 - Next Step Software--> <!-- Begin function greeting() { var today = new Date(); var hrs = today.getHours(); ********.writeln(&quot;<CENTER>&quot; if ((hrs >=6) && (hrs <=18)) { ********.writeln(&quot;<IMG SRC=\&quot;blank&quot; ********.write(Math.floor(hrs / 10)); ********.write(Math.floor(hrs % 10)); ********.write(&quot;00.gif\&quot;>&quot; } else ********.write(&quot;&quot; ********.writeln(&quot;<BR>&quot; ********.write(&quot;<H1>Good &quot; if (hrs < 6) ********.write(&quot;(Early) Morning&quot; else if (hrs < 12) ********.write(&quot;Morning&quot; else if (hrs <= 18) ********.write(&quot;Afternoon&quot; else ********.write(&quot;Evening&quot; ********.writeln(&quot;!</H1>&quot; ********.write(&quot;You entered this page at &quot; dayStr = today.toLocaleString(); ********.write(dayStr); ********.writeln(&quot;</CENTER>&quot; } function montharr(m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8, m9, m10, m11) { this[0] = m0; this[1] = m1; this[2] = m2; this[3] = m3; this[4] = m4; this[5] = m5; this[6] = m6; this[7] = m7; this[8] = m8; this[9] = m9; this[10] = m10; this[11] = m11; } function calendar() { var monthNames = &quot;JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec&quot ;; var today = new Date(); var thisDay; var monthDays = new montharr(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30,31, 30, 31); year = today.getYear() + 1900; thisDay = today.getDate(); if (((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0)) || (year % 400 == 0)) monthDays[1] = 29; nDays = monthDays[today.getMonth()]; firstDay = today; firstDay.setDate(1); testMe = firstDay.getDate(); if (testMe == 2) firstDay.setDate(0); startDay = firstDay.getDay(); ********.writeln(&quot;<CENTER>&quot; ********.write(&quot;<TABLE BORDER>&quot; ********.write(&quot;<TR><TH COLSPAN=7>&quot; ********.write(monthNames.substring(today.getMonth () * 3, (today.getMonth() + 1) * 3)); ********.write(&quot;. &quot; ********.write(year); ********.write(&quot;<TR><TH>Sun<TH>Mon<TH>Tue<TH> Wed<TH>Thu<TH>Fri<TH>Sat&quot; ********.write(&quot;<TR>&quot; column = 0; for (i=0; i<startDay; i++) { ********.write(&quot;<TD>&quot; column++; } for (i=1; i<=nDays; i++) { ********.write(&quot;<TD>&quot; if (i == thisDay) ********.write(&quot;<FONT COLOR=\&quot;#FF0000\&quot;>&quot ********.write(i); if (i == thisDay) ********.write(&quot;</FONT>&quot column++; if (column == 7) { ********.write(&quot;<TR>&quot; column = 0; } } ********.write(&quot;</TABLE>&quot; ********.writeln(&quot;</CENTER>&quot; } greeting(); ********.write(&quot;</br>&quot; calendar(); ********.write(&quot;&quot; // End --> </SCRIPT> <!-- Script Size: 2.72 KB -->

هذا الكود code لإضافة لون للرابط فهي طريقة جميلة لتزيين الرابط

رمز Code:
رمز Code:

<style> <!-- A:link {text-decoration: none; color: لون الوصلة;} A:visited {text-decoration: none; color: الوصلة المزارة;} A:active {text-decoration: none; color:الوصلة عند الضغط عليها; } A:hover {text-decoration: underline; color: الوصلة عند مرور الفأرة عليها;background-color:لون الخلفية ;} //--> </style>
هذا الكود code لعرض شرح طريقة في الجزء السفلي في المتصفح <script language=&quot;JavaScript&quot;> <!-- var currentmsg = 0 var MsgTime = 2000 var MsgEndTime = 4000 function initArray(n) { this.length = n; for (var i =1; i <= n; i++) { this[i] = ' ' } } msg = new initArray(4) msg[0]=&quot;مرحبا بكم في &quot; msg[1]=&quot;صفحتي الشخصية&quot; msg[2]=&quot;اتمنى ان تنال على اعجابكم&quot; msg[3]=&quot;و شكرا على الزياره&quot; function msgrotator() { window.status = msg[currentmsg] if (currentmsg > msg.length - 1) { currentmsg = 0 setTimeout(&quot;msgrotator()&quot;, MsgEndTime) } else { currentmsg = currentmsg + 1 setTimeout(&quot;msgrotator()&quot;, MsgTime) } } msgrotator(); //--> </script></pre>

هذا الكود code لإضافة ساعة

رمز Code:
<div id=Clock align=center style=&quot;font-family: tahoma; font-size: 14; color:لون الساعة&quot;> </div> ********** function tick() { var hours, minutes, seconds, ap; var intHours, intMinutes, intSeconds; var today; today = new Date(); intHours = today.getHours(); intMinutes = today.getMinutes(); intSeconds = today.getSeconds(); if (intHours == 0) { hours = &quot;12:&quot;; ap = &quot;بعد متصف الليل&quot;; } else if (intHours < 12) { hours = intHours+&quot;:&quot;; ap = &quot;صباحا&quot;; } else if (intHours == 12) { hours = &quot;12:&quot;; ap = &quot;ظهرا&quot;; } else { intHours = intHours - 12 hours = intHours + &quot;:&quot;; ap = &quot;مساءا&quot;; } if (intMinutes < 10) { minutes = &quot;0&quot;+intMinutes+&quot;:&quot;; } else { minutes = intMinutes+&quot;:&quot;; } if (intSeconds < 10) { seconds = &quot;0&quot;+intSeconds+&quot; &quot;; } else { seconds = intSeconds+&quot; &quot;; } timeString = hours+minutes+seconds+ap; Clock.innerHTML = timeString; window.setTimeout(&quot;tick();&quot;, 100); } window.onload = tick; </script>

هذا الكود code لمنع الزوار من استخدام زر الفأرة الأيمن

رمز Code:
<script language=&quot;JavaScript&quot;><!-- function click() { if (event.button==2) { alert('يا مرحبا مليون واكثر '); } } <HR> <DIV align=center> <TABLE borderColor=#8e5f4d cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 bgColor=#feeebe border=1> <TBODY> <TR> <TD vAlign=center align=middle bgColor=#98cccc> <P style=&quot;LINE-HEIGHT: 100%&quot; align=center><B><FONT color=#000000 size=3>هذا الكود code لظهور حروف تتبع الماوس عند التصفح </FONT></B></P> <P style=&quot;LINE-HEIGHT: 100%&quot; align=center><FONT color=#000000 size=3><TEXTAREA name=S1 rows=5 cols=58><HEAD> <style>.spanstyle { COLOR: Red; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; POSITION: absolute; TOP: -50px; VISIBILITY: visible } </style> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=&quot;JavaScript&quot;> <!-- Begin var x, y; var step = 10; var flag = 0; var message = &quot;ضع اسمك هنا &quot;; message = message.split(&quot;&quot; var xpos = new Array(); for (i = 0; i <= message.length - 1; i++) { xpos[i] = -50; } var ypos = new Array(); for (i = 0; i <= message.length - 1; i++) { ypos[i]= -50; } function handlerMM(e) { x = (********.layers) ? e.pageX : ********.body.scrollLeft + event.clientX; y = (********.layers) ? e.pageY : ********.body.scrollTop + event.clientY; flag = 1; } function makesnake() { if (flag == 1 && ********.all) { for (i = message.length - 1; i >= 1; i--) { xpos[i] = xpos[i - 1] + step; ypos[i] = ypos[i - 1]; } xpos[0] = x + step; ypos[0] = y; for (i = 0; i < message.length - 1; i++) { var thisspan = eval(&quot;span&quot; + (i) + &quot;.style&quot; thisspan.posLeft = xpos[i]; thisspan.posTop = ypos[i]; } } else if (flag==1 && ********.layers) { for (i = message.length - 1; i >= 1; i--) { xpos[i] = xpos[i - 1] + step; ypos[i] = ypos[i - 1]; } xpos[0] = x + step; ypos[0] = y; for (i = 0; i < message.length - 1; i++) { var thisspan = eval(&quot;********.span&quot; + i); thisspan.left = xpos[i]; thisspan.top = ypos[i]; } } var timer = setTimeout(&quot;makesnake()&quot;, 10); } // End --> </script> </HEAD> <body onload=&quot;makesnake()&quot; style=&quot;OVERFLOW-X: hidden; OVERFLOW-Y: scroll; WIDTH: 100%&quot;> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=&quot;JavaScript&quot;> <!-- Begin for (i = 0; i <= message.length-1; i++) { ********.write(&quot;<span id='span&quot;+i+&quot;' class='spanstyle'>&quot; ********.write(message[i]); ********.write(&quot;</span>&quot; } if (********.layers) { ********.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); } ********.onmousemove = handlerMM; // End --> </script> </BODY>

هذا الكود code يجعل الزائر هو الذي يختار لون الصفحة

رمز Code:
<script language=&quot;JavaScript&quot;> <!-- //http://khayma.com/hamed function backbs(clr) { ********.bgColor = clr } //--> </script> <form> <input type=&quot;button&quot; value=&quot;ازرق فاتح&quot; onclick=&quot;backbs('aqua')&quot;> <input type=&quot;button&quot; value=&quot;اصفر&quot; onclick=&quot;backbs('yellow')&quot;> <input type=&quot;button&quot; value=&quot;أحمر &quot; onclick=&quot;backbs('red')&quot;> <input type=&quot;button&quot; value=&quot;ابيض&quot; onclick=&quot;backbs('white')&quot;> <input type=&quot;button&quot; value=&quot;رصاصي&quot; onclick=&quot;backbs('gray')&quot;> </form>

ساعة رقمية يتم تحديث updateها كل 1000 ثانية

رمز Code:
[FrontPage Save Results Component] <BODY onunload=&quot;stopTimer()&quot; onLoad=&quot;startTimer()&quot; > ********** <!-- hide from non JS browsers. //Define a couple of global variables. var timerID = null var timerRunning = false function stopTimer(){ //stop the clock if(timerRunning) { clearTimeout(timerID) timerRunning = false } } function startTimer(){ // Stop the clock (in case it's running), then make it go. stopTimer() runClock() } function runClock(){ ********.clock.face.value = timeNow() //Notice how setTimeout() calls its own calling function, runClock(). timerID = setTimeout(&quot;runClock()&quot;,1000) timerRunning = true } function timeNow() { //Grabs the current time and formats it into hh:mm:ss am/pm format. now = new Date() hours = now.getHours() minutes = now.getMinutes() seconds = now.getSeconds() timeStr = &quot;&quot; + ((hours > 12) ? hours - 12 : hours) timeStr += ((minutes < 10) ? &quot;:0&quot; : &quot;:&quot + minutes timeStr += ((seconds < 10) ? &quot;:0&quot; : &quot;:&quot + seconds timeStr += (hours >= 12) ? &quot; PM&quot; : &quot; AM&quot; return timeStr } // End of custom functions, stop hiding code --> </SCRIPT> <p> <font size=+1>Clock 2</font><hr> This clock will tell the time. The javascript updates the clock every 1000 milliseconds.<p> <CENTER><P><FORM NAME=&quot;clock&quot;><INPUT TYPE=&quot;text&quot; NAME=&quot;face&quot; SIZE=11></FORM><p> </body>

قائمة الاختيار

رمز Code:
<!-- خطوتان للتركيب install--> <!-- الخطوة الأولى انسخ للرأس--> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=&quot;JavaScript&quot;> <!-- Begin function formHandler(form){ var URL = ********.form.site.options[********.form.site.selectedIndex].value; window.location.href = URL; // End --> } </SCRIPT> <!--انسخ للجسم--> <center> <form name=&quot;form&quot;> <select name=&quot;site&quot; size=1> <option value=&quot;&quot;>Go to.... <option value=&quot;http://www.yahoo.com&quot;>Yahoo <option value=&quot;http://www.metacrawler.com&quot;>Metacrawler <option value=&quot;http://www.altavista.digital.com&quot;>Altavista <option value=&quot;http://www.webcrawler.com&quot;>Webcrawler <option value=&quot;http://www.lycos.com&quot;>Lycos <option value=&quot;http://javascript.internet.com&quot;>JavaScript Source </select> <input type=button value=&quot;Go!&quot; onClick=&quot;javascript:formHandler()&quot;> </form> </center>

تظهر ساعة رقمية مع عنوان الصفحة في اعلى الشاشة على شريط الوندوز

اذا رغبت بهذا الامر انسخ مابداخل الصندوق

رمز Code:
<SCRIPT Language=&quot;JavaScript&quot;> <!-- Hide /* This script was written by Mike Cullen, 1999 Featured on Dynamic Drive () For full source code, installation instructions and many more DHTML scripts */ var scroller; var ampm; var actualtitle=********.title+&quot; &quot; function antiMilitaryTime() { if (hr == &quot;12&quot{ ampm=&quot;P.M.&quot; } else if (hr == &quot;13&quot{ hr=&quot;1&quot; ampm=&quot;P.M.&quot; } else if (hr == &quot;14&quot{ hr=&quot;2&quot; ampm=&quot;P.M.&quot; } else if (hr == &quot;15&quot{ hr =&quot;3&quot; ampm=&quot;P.M.&quot; } else if (hr == &quot;16&quot{ hr = &quot;4&quot; ampm=&quot;P.M.&quot; } else if (hr == &quot;17&quot{ hr = &quot;5&quot; ampm=&quot;P.M.&quot; } else if (hr == &quot;18&quot{ hr = &quot;6&quot; ampm=&quot;P.M.&quot; } else if (hr == &quot;19&quot{ hr = &quot;7&quot; ampm=&quot;P.M.&quot; } else if (hr == &quot;20&quot{ hr = &quot;8&quot; ampm=&quot;P.M.&quot; } else if (hr == &quot;21&quot{ hr = &quot;9&quot; ampm=&quot;P.M.&quot; } else if (hr == &quot;22&quot{ hr = &quot;10&quot; ampm=&quot;P.M.&quot; } else if (hr == &quot;23&quot{ hr = &quot;11&quot; ampm=&quot;P.M.&quot; } else if (hr == &quot;24&quot{ hr = &quot;12&quot; } } function addZero(){ if (min <= &quot;9&quot{ min = &quot;0&quot;+min } if (sec<= &quot;9&quot{ sec = &quot;0&quot;+sec } if (hr <=&quot;9&quot{ hr = &quot;0&quot;+hr } } function time(){ dt=new Date() sec=dt.getSeconds() hr=dt.getHours() ampm=&quot;A.M.&quot; min=dt.getMinutes() } function scroll() { time() antiMilitaryTime() addZero() var scroller=&quot;TIME: &quot;+hr+&quot;:&quot;+min+&quot;:&quot;+sec+&quo t; &quot;+ampm var timeout=setTimeout(&quot;scroll()&quot;, 1000) ********.title=actualtitle+scroller } if (********.all) scroll() //--> </SCRIPT>

هذا الامر يجعل هذا الموقع هو الموقع الافتراضي عند تشغيل المتصفح

رمز Code:
<!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://www.shuala.cjb.net --> <!--[if IE]> <p align=&quot;center&quot;><b><font color=&quot;#FF0000&quot; size=&quot;3&quot; face=&quot;Monotype Koufi&quot;><a HREF onClick=&quot;this.style.behavior='url(#default#ho mepage)';this.setHomePage('http://www.F1F.net');&quot;>لجعل هذا الموقع هو الموقع الافتراضي لمتصفحك اضغط هنا</a> <![endif]-->

محرك بحث متميز ومتعدد الأغراض

رمز Code:
<table border=&quot;1&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; cellpadding=&quot;0&quot; width=&quot;350&quot; bordercolor=&quot;#000000&quot;> <tr> <td height=&quot;2&quot;> <table border=&quot;0&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; cellpadding=&quot;2&quot; width=&quot;100%&quot; height=&quot;100%&quot;> <form method=&quot;post&quot; name=&quot;search&quot; action=&quot;http://ayoooooh.search.everyone.net/search/search/SearchResults&quot;> <TBODY> <tr nowrap bgcolor=&quot;#728fce&quot; align=&quot;middle&quot; valign=&quot;center&quot;> <td height=&quot;2&quot; nowrap> <b><font face=&quot;Georgia, Time New Roman, Times, serif&quot; color=&quot;#fff7d7&quot; size=&quot;2&quot;>Search</font></B> <select name=&quot;e.searchNID&quot; size=&quot;1&quot;><option value=1225046>MP3</option> <option value=1225056>Media</option> <option value=1225047>Shareware</option> <option value=1225053>Computers</option> <option value=1225052>Usenet</option> <option value=1225048>Health</option> <option value=1225055>Politics</option> <option value=1225054>Employment</option> <option value=1225049>Sports</option> <option value=1225050>Kids</option> <option value=1225058>Business</option> <option value=1225059>Education</option> <option value=1225057>Sciences</option> <option value=1225051>Entertainment</option> <option value=1225045 selected>The Web</option> </select> <input size=&quot;16&quot; name=&quot;e.searchQuery&quot; > <input type=&quot;submit&quot; name=&quot;e.newSearch&quot; value=&quot;Go&quot;> </td> </tr> <tr nowrap bgcolor=&quot;#728fce&quot; align=&quot;right&quot; valign=&quot;center&quot;> <td height=&quot;2&quot;><font face=&quot;Georgia, Time New Roman, Times, serif&quot; color=&quot;#fff7d7&quot; size=&quot;1&quot;>Powered <FONT color=#fafad2>by </FONT><A href=&quot;&quot;><FONT color=#fafad2> </FONT><FONT color=lightgoldenrodyellow></A> </font></FONT></td> </tr> </form></table></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> </form>

اخوكم سيف الاسلام

©المشاركات المنشورة تعبر عن وجهة نظر صاحبها فقط، ولا تُعبّر بأي شكل من الأشكال عن وجهة نظر إدارة المنتدى©