المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : كيف تكتب فقرة بمادة الانجليزية للسنة الرابعة فقط

11-08-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 04:18 PM
What Makes a Good Paragraph? This is a paragraph on how to write a paragraph هذه فقرة حول كيفية فقرة It is important to know how to write a paragraph. There are certain rules you should follow. Your first sentence should be a topic sentence* and it should be indented. It should contain the topic and an opinion on the topic* but it should not contain any supporting ideas. Next you should write at least three sentences supporting your ideas. You can support this opinion with facts* reasons* examples* statistics* comparison* or an anecdote. Last* you should have a concluding sentence which reasserts your opinion* but does not have the same wording. Going by these helpful rules will lead to good paragraph writing. • Stick to the topic تمسك بالموضع ولا تخرج عنه • Topic sentence should be a clear opinion on a clear topic • Vary sentence patterns اكتب جملا من انواع مختلفة • Write five or more sentences اكتب خمسة او اكثر من خمسة جمل • Avoid repetition تجنب التكرار • Punctuate sentences properly ضع علامات الوقف المناسبة • Do not use "you" or "your" لا تستعمل الضمير انت • Edit your work انشر ما تكتب • Limit use of pronouns تجنب استعمال الضمائر استمعل اسماء حية مسبوقة بصفات - use vivid nouns modified by precise adjectives • Do not use "I think" or "In my opinion" or anything like that! لا تستعمل اطن او حسب رأي او اي شيء من ذلك القبيل. • Power pack each sentence with details and specifics. زود جملك بمعلومات دقيقة و خاصة اطلب الدعاء لي منكم

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