المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : 3As Exam Education

11-08-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 06:02 AM
The Republic of Algeria Democratic and Popular

March, 2014 Classes :3AS LP & F.LG English Second Term Exam
PART ONE: READING (15 pts) A/ Comprehension : Read the text carefully and do the activities:

“It feels like a time –bomb ticking in your head”, a student describing the exact feelings he endures at exam time , when stress levels are higher than usual , and when students feel overwhelmed, fearful, confused, exhausted and edgy.
But is this pressure actually necessary? Are exams a successful way of assessing a student’s capabilities ?
A research project undertaken by T.J.Palmer tested stress caused by exams and found that, when applied to the examination room setting , an intelligent and well-schooled student could fail an exam due to nerves alone . The researcher deduced that if that were the case, then , the examination is not a test of knowledge or educational ability , but of stress coping ability.
Another survey came to the worrying conclusion that the mental health of students is thought to be worse than that of the general population, since about 30 to 40 percent of students suffer from varying levels of anxiety and depression.
One conclusion brought up by the Palmer project is that stress awareness and the learning of coping strategies should be an integral part of the education programme. Students , at the very beginning of their school life , should be taught how to cope with the stress of exams . It could save a lot of anxiety in the long run.
(adapted from ‘Coping with Stress’ by Garry Crystal)

1/ Circle the letter that corresponds to the best answer: 1PT
a/ The text is : a)Descriptive - b) Argumentative - c) Expository - d) Narrative .
b/ The text is about: a) The causes of exam stress - b) Exam stress management - c) Exam stress and its effects .
2/ Are these statements TRUE or FALSE according to the text? 2PT a/ At exam time , stress decreases.
b/ Students feel self confident at exam time.
c/ Nervosity can cause students to fail an exam.
d/ Students should learn at school how to manage exam stress.

3/ Answer the following questions according to the text: 3PT
a/ How do students feel at exam time ?
b/ Does exam failure imply that students have little knowledge? Explain.
c/What did T.J.Palmer conclude about examination ,in his research?
d/ What advice does T.J.Palmer give about stress at the end of his research?

4/ What do the underlined words refer to in the text? 0,5
That §3 - Their § 4

5/ a/ Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following: 1PT
a) Nervous §1 =…….. b) evaluating §2=…………
b/ Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following: 1PT
a) Succeed§ 2 ≠……. b) better § 3≠…………

B/Text Exploration
1/ Complete the following table: 1,5
Noun verb adjective
confusion ………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………..
………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………. successful
………………………………………………….. educate ……………………………………………………

2/ Complete sentence (b) so as to mean the same as sentence (a): 2PT
1/ a- The mental health of students is worse than that of the general population.
b- ………………………………the mental health of the general population, that of the students is very bad.
2/ a- Students should be taught how to cope with stress.
b- Teachers ……………………………………………………..how to cope with stress.
3/ a- ‘ I was quite stressed and fearful ‘ , the student said.
b- The student said that ……………………………………………………………………………….
4/ a- You must prepare yourself to take your bac exam or it will be stressfull.
b- Unless……………………………………………………………………….,it will be stressfull.

3/ Fill in the blanks with words from the list 2,5

Watching - study - breaks - time - stressful
Exam time can be extremely ………………1……………..So, it is important to have regular study…………2…………
and time relaxation to overcome this stress. Going for a walk, ……………3………………your favourite TV shows is not a waste of ………………4………..It is a great way to clear your head and help you……………5…………better.

4/ Mark the stress on the right syllable in the following words 1PT
Educate - examination - economy - statistics.

Choose ONE topic
Topic ONE: Use the following notes and write a paragraph advising students to manage exam stress:

-manage time wisely/ set up a plan for study(beginning of the year)
-get organized/ keep a calendar . Time for work/
Time for sleep/ time for eat/ time for relax
-wait until the last minute to prepare.
-take drugs ( caffeine)

Topic TWO :Write a paragraph saying how you would like to be tested by your teachers. Suggest the ways you would like your exams to be .


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