المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : English expression ecrite par moi

11-08-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 05:44 AM
I saw many of you looking for a written expression so i decide to make one for you by myself i guarantee you , you will get 5 or 6 with my written expression , well l'ts start , first the Education .
The education now days isvery important in our life without education we call fall in world without development
this may bring a lot of changes to humanity , we cansay education is the main cause that we still existe it brings peace and self confidence many of the ancients civilizations were
very intrested in education as an example the egyptian one this cevilization
made the maths very clear by showing the world new ways to build new buildings and even more by inventing new laws or modifying some of them as we can see the education is like a bridge that hold the past the present and the future it's irreplaceable without forgeting that the islam encouraged us to learn and to educate because it's thebest way to avoid mystakes and to know what allah coulddo with a such power in this world .
In the end we can surpas the paths of our ancients and making our future safe for the next generations .
انشاء الله تكون استفدتو ادا كاش ماسحقيتو راني هنا

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