المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : English expression ecrite par moi 2

loulou ange
11-08-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 05:44 AM
his is the second written expression i made
Counterfeiting :
Counterfeit meaning is known globaly as imitating something illegaly this may bring chaos and fear in the world there is types of counterfeiting first Th money counterfeit or money laundering it's a crime that happen by making and turning illegal money to legal form however banks and trading markets have found some solutions to stop that crime otar least to decreas the damage of it as an examle money
laundering is set fourth as united nations conventions against Transnational Organized Crime
So by concluding all of that organisations and the world leaders should stand up fighting against counterfeiting before it's too late so i give my voice and i bagging you to finde a way to protect our lifes no matter what our economic is dying slowly there is no returning back this is our mistake we bring problemes and we should solve them it's our fault .

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