المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : lik words (connectors) help you

11-08-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 05:35 AM
la cause
because - as - since (+s +v+c) ex :because we had no free time , we didn't revise our lessons

because of - due to - owing to (+noun - adj+non - gerund ) ex : because of no fee times, we didn't revise our lessons

la consequence
so - consequently - as a result - as consequences - therefore - thus that's why (au milieu de la phrase) ex: fake products are harmful so people don't by them

so +adj + that.... ex: fake products are so harmful that people don't buy them

such + noun - ajd+noun + that... ex: these toys are of such a bad quality that their sale ids forbidden

to - in order to - so as to + stem (verb infinitif) ex: the government put strict laws in order to ban corruption

for + gerund (verb+ing) ex: the government put strict laws for banning corruption

so that + s+v+c ex: the government put strict laws so that it bans corruption

واش رايكم في العرض

to be continuedhttp://www.dzbatna.com/images/smilies/19.gif

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