المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : مكتبة الدروس مفصلة و الكتب لتعليم مادة الانجليزية

loulou ange
11-08-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 05:34 AM

لاختبار رائع المستوى مكتبة كبيرة من الدروس مفصلة و القواعد الأساسية و التمارين رائعة لتعليم اللغة مادة الانجليزية

من بعض المحتويات :
a & an
Am-is are
Animal Flashcards
Additional Grammar
Adverbs of Frequency
Auxilliary Verbs 1
Auxiliary Verbs 2
Basics Of English ********
Comparatives and Superlatives 3
Comparatives and Superlatives 1
Comparatives 2
Compound Nouns
Countries and Nationalities - Vocabulary List
Countable or Uncountable
Don't & Doesn't
Days Of The Week
Describing People - Adjectives & Opposites
Describing People - What are they like
Describing People 1
English Adjectives
English Conjunctions
English Nouns
English Preposition
English Pronouns
English Questions
English Verbs
English Phrasal Verbs
English Verb Tenses
Essential Grammar In Use Supplementary Exercises
Environment - Vocabulary list
Expressing likes and dislikes
Fewer & Less
Food - crossword
Food and Drinks 1
Food and Drinks 2
Furniture and Appliances 4
Frequent English Expressions التعبيرات الأكثر شيوعا فى المحادثة الإنجليزية
Grammar Success in 20 Minutes a Day 1
Grammar Success in 20 Minutes a Day 2
Homonyms List
Have or Has
If clauses - type 1 and 2
If clauses type 1 and 2
If-clauses 1 and 2
Indefinite Pronouns
Irregular Verbs List 1
Irregular Verbs List 2
Irregular Verbs List 3
Irregular Verbs List 4
Jim s Family Tree
Modal Verbs
Modalites ar
Months of the year 1
My Body
Numbers 1
Need & needn't
Object Pronouns
Order of Adjectives
Passive Voice - Future
Passive Voice - Present Simple _ Past Simple - exercises
Passive Voice - Present Simple _ Past Simple
Passive Voice - Present Simple_Past Simple
Passive Voice - Tenses Explanation
Passive Voice
Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns
Prepositions of Time
Question Tags
Quran Dictionary English
Relative Pronouns 2
Relative Pronouns 3
Relative Pronouns
Reported Speech - Imperative
Reported Speech - Past Simple & Present Perfect
Reported Speech - Present Simple_ Pres. Continuous_ Future
Reported Speech - Questions
Rooms in the house 1
She's = is or has
Simple or Progressive
Singular or Plural
Telling the Time 2
Telling Time 3
The 4 Seasons
The Family
The House - furniture_ appliances and accessories
The Smith_s Family
The Time 1
There is or There are
The World of Work - vocabulary (no translation)
Time Prepositions and Adverbs with Present Perfect
Time Prepositions and Adverbs with Present Perfect_2
Time Prepositions and Adverbs with Present Perfect_3
Time Prepositions and Adverbs with Present Perfect_4
Types of Houses
Verb to be (cleaner version)
Verb to be
Was or Were
Will or Would
What is there
Zero article or The
....و غيرها.....

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