المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : تصحيح نمذجي مفصل الموضوع الاول و الثاني في مادة الانجليزية لشعبة اللغات الاجنبية منقول من موقع

11-08-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 05:29 AM
نقلت لكم التصحيح نمذجي مفصل من احد المواقع بعد ان حملته و اريد من كل واحد منكم ان يتأكد اذا لا يوجد خطا في التصحيح نمذجي مفصل و ان كان ارجو من ذكر الخطأ لاني اظن ان هناك خطأ في الموضوع الثاني في true or false

Correction of BAC 2014 –LE:
Topic One:

Part 1:

B/Text Exploration 1/a-F b-T. c-F. d-T
2/§2 §3
3/a-to establish the Kingdom of Babylon
b-its geographical situation.
c- He found it difficult to use the elaborate system of nail-writing of the ancient Sumerians and commerce demanded quick and practical ways of communication.
d-it was a fortified town of the Amorites-its inhabitants- its geographical situation-its trade with the entire world-its ******** which spread.
4/they the Aramaeans. The city Damascushe the Aramaeans businessman.It the spoken ******** of the Arameans.
5/ b

1/a-disappeared b-inhabited c-safe d-ancient
2/*to save / safety
******* commercial
*movement / moving ---movable( moveable)
3-a) Damascus was a fortified town while it was conquered by Alexander the Great./ while it was conquered by Alexander the Great, Damascus was a fortified town.
b)They could not use the ancient Sumerian writing, therefore they invented a new alphabet.
1 syl 2 syls 3syls
mounds desert Difficult

5/ b/ d/a/c
Part 02:
Written Expression:5pts

************************************************** ************************************************** ***

Topic Two:
Part 1:15 pts

B/Text Exploration

7pts 1/- descriptive

2/a-False b-True. c-False. d-True

3/ a-§3 paragraph

4-/a-climate/snow removal equipment/Alaska polar bears/winter tourism/space programs/how rain forests influence the climate/ how deserts are formed/how the polar ice caps affect ocean levels.
b—Learning starts with the children’s interests and questions/ various topics/interesting.
c-they find it difficult to mix with other people in adult life.

4/theychildren in the USA.It  to mix with other people in adult life.
Their  parents

5/ title:
home-schoolers/ home-schooling …..Advantages and Disadvantages of Home-schooling.
b/-text exploration

c – opportunity

2/* to differ / different
*influence / influential-influenceable-influenced-
* to criticize // critique –criticizer-criticism-critic

1-b)Parentsshould send their children to scholl / Parents had better send their children to school
2-b/If you don’t convince them, they will refuse your justifications.
3-b/I wish I had learnt how to play a musical instrument when Iwas a child.
/t/ /d/ /id/
picked Received
preferred Educated

5/either-home- children - classroom
Part 02:
Written Expression:6pts

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