المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : شوفو هاد التعبير بمادة الانجليزية

11-08-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 05:10 AM
هادا التعبيرديالي
من انتشائي

واجب منزلي
المطلوب كتاب كاملة رسالة لصديق اوصف فيها
المن التعليم الثانوية التي ادرس فيها

dear lamia

I'm writing to you to warn you of coming to my school after i heard you want to,I'm assuring you
will regret if you do

you can't imagine how my school is horrible.I feel like i'm in prison with hard labor. and specialy the old appearance , wich suggests that it's a real jail
Although it overlooking the sea but that view reminds me by "Alcatraz" (Alcatraz is a prison in the middle of the sea). As well as overlooking a scary cenetry
Whithout forgeting the prison gards, of course they are the observers ; you can't walk any step without a survey : where are you going..why..what will you study..you're late...realy i feel like i can't breath
And finaly the hard labor wich is the speciality of teachers..with home works,exercises,projects...and so much of work
shortly,don't come...it's the real hill

with love,mimi
اكيد رايكم يهمني
مع تصحيح نمذجي مفصلاتكم


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