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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : لمراجعة شاملة أخيرة في الإنجليزية و بالتوفيق بعدها

11-07-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 08:14 AM
I) Link the pairs of sentences with the suitable connector .
- He won’t give up bribery. He isn’t punished by the government. ( as a result-in order to-as long as
-Child labour is an unethical practice.All governments have agreed to fight it as a priority. ( so….that/such..that
-You looked at the earth from the moon.You would see it as small ball.( if – because- due to-Unethical practices have become a real danger.We fought them by all means.( consequently-It’s high time
-Tv ads are too expensive.You advertise on newspapers.( providing that- It’s time-had better
-There is too much bribery in Algeria.It is a third world country.( owing to-so-since

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