المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Written Expession..topic two.. of BAC 2014

11-07-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 07:33 AM
سلام الى زملائي طلاب العلم

ارجو ان ينال هذا الموضوع المقترح اعجابكم ويلبي حاجتكم وهو جواب ل. Written Expession..topic two لشهادة بكالوريا BAC .
2014 ........

Nowadays, the food safety problem has been discussed heatedly. As we all know, the food safety can’t be ignorant, but it’s a serious problem nowadays.
Some children died for the poisoned milk, while some chemicals, which can cause the cancer had been taken into the medicine. To our fear, we don’t know what we can eat safely.
The reason why the food safety problem is increasingly serious is mixable. The most important part is likely to be the lack of supervise. No punishment, however, makes the manufactures try their best to get the biggest benefits and don’t matter whether it’s illegal. Besides, the morality of the manufactures should be to blamed for the problem. As the rapid development of the finance, the mental civilization grows too much slowly.
To solve the problem, my opinion is that the police should strengthen the force to punish the illegal activities and factories. However, supervision should also take an important part in solving the food safety problem.
All in all, that’s my view about the food safety problem. The food safety problem should be paid attention to by every citizens

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