المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : حل موضوعي مادة الانجليزيية شهادة بكالوريا BAC 2014

11-07-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 05:49 AM
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

إليكم حل موضوعي شهادة بكالوريا BAC 2014 إنجليزية

مع تمنياتي للجميع بالنجاح إن شاء الله

1- الموضوع الأول

1-a) True
b) False
c) True
d) True
2- a) in paragraph number 2
b) in paragraph number 1
3-their refers to children
its refers to coffee copmany
4- a) Many babies and children became ill or died.
b) They added melamine to milk in order to increase the level of protein in it.

1- contaminated= infected
2-tragedy= catastrophe
banning= prohibiting
famous= well-known
2-a) Many parents are furious at their country's dairy products industry because their children have been contaminated by poisoned milk.
b) Though the authorities have warned people not to consume the contaminated milk, some people still buy that milk.
3-11- " Do not buy expired milk." , he said
2- Many people wish if they didn't buy that contaminated milk.
4-ordered...../d/ *****promised..../t/****contained..../d/***admitted..../id/..

5- A: How many children fell ill?

A: Why did they get ill?

A: Who caused that tragedy?

A: Did the government take any measures against the company?

For written expression, there are several possibilities[/left]

الموضوع الثاني


1- The text is about Averaging

2-a) true
b) false
c) true
d) true

3-a) in paragraph 1
b) in paragraph 2

4-a) The types of adds mentioned in the text are online adds and TV adds.
b) It causes obesity.

5- a) their refers to children
b) it refers to report.


1- 1................c

2- a) root................advertise
b) prefix....................dis
c) prefix................un

3- a) Advertisers fill online games with advertisements so that kids buy their products.
b) To win games, children are encouraged to type in special codes which are found in packaging.


5- 1- their
2- clubs

I wish you success

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