المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : حلول شهادة بكالوريا BAC 2014 مادة الأنجليزية

11-07-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 01:22 AM
تصحيح نمذجي مفصل الشهادة بكالوريا BAC 2014

مادة مادة الانجليزية لشعبة الآداب والفلسفة

الموضوع الأول:

PART ONE : Reading (15 points)
A. Comprehension. (07 points)
1. The text is b.narrative. (0.5 pts)
a. T (0.5 pts)
b. T (0.5 pts)
c. T (0.5 pts)
d.F (0.5 pts)
a. Roman Empire and Persian Empire. (01 pts )
b. In 762. (01 pts )
c. The new capital was better located for transportation purposes also for commerce. (01 pts )
a.their → Arabs. (0.5 pts)
b. they → Abbasids. (0.5 pts)
5. c. The Muslim Arabs Civilization. (0.5 pts)

B.Text Exploration ( 08 pts )
1. a. life = existence (0.25)
b. spread = expanded (0.25)
c. rich = wealthy (0.25)
d. unluckily = unfortunately (0.25)
2. Verb Noun Adjective
to lose (0.25) losing(0.25) lost
to civilize(0.25) civilization civilized (0.25)
to achieve achievement(0.25) achievable (0.25)
a. After conquering many rich provinces, The Arabs became powerful. (1 pts)
b. Some of the governors were so corrupt that their reign didn’t last long. (1 pts)
c. If the two brothers got into a fight , they would lose their sovereignty. (1 pts)
/ t / : developed(0.25) – established (0.25)
/ d / : conquered(0.25) – achieved(0.25)
/ id / : expanded(0.25) – lasted(0.25)
B: No, I didn’t. What was it about? (0.5 pts)
B : Why did it decline? (0.5 pts)
B: Do they show documentaries on ancient civilizations. (0.5 pts)

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