تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : تصحيح نمذجي مفصل نموذج مقترحي لاختبار رائع مادة الانجليزية الثاني

11-06-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 06:50 AM
slaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam what's uuuuuuuup

hada tas7i7 namodaji ana dertou ida kayen des fautes madabiya tsa7ou m3aya

1-the general idea of the text is
advertising and alcohol

2- a-true

3. it is mentiond in the 3rd paragraph
it is mentiones in the 4th paragraph

4- they ===== scots
it ======== the advert

5- a- companies use advertising in an attempt to persuade potential customers to

purchace more of a particular brand of product or service .
b- the writer saw a billboard advert about alcohol

II-text exploration

a- tries = attempts
b- wronguse = misuse
c- largely = widely

2- verb noun adjective
to sponsor sponsor/sponsorship sponsoring/sponsored
to abuse abuse abusive
to communicate communication communicated/communicating

3- a- he siad that he had seen a billboard advert in the main road of the city
b- the scottish executive sposors the advert

4- /s/ /z/ /iz/
attempts others messages
scots faces

5- reorder the words
governments should introduce strict regulations on negative advertising

part two : written expression

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