تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : تصحيح نمذجي مفصل الموضوع الاول مادة الانجليزية

11-06-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 06:50 AM
salaaaaaaaaam ça vaaaaaa ??

1- the main idea of the text is : a-children and exploitative work

2- a-false
b- true
c- false

3- it is mentioned in the 2nd paragraph

4- that ==== work
she ====child

5- a- child labour is the work that harms pr exploits them in some way
b- the causes behind child labour are poverty , lack of : good schools , day care , health care . ande family problems.

B== text exploration :

1- a- safe = harmless b- in addition = moreover

2- verb noun adjective
to benefit benefit beneficial
to access access accessible
to exploite exploitation exploitative

3- a - who points out that some kinds of wors may be completely harmless ?
b- where is one child in three at work ?

4- to try ===== tried
to be confront ==== will be confronted

5- three*******free
honey ***** money

6 - re ordering the sentences
1=====d 2=======a 3=======c 4=======b
byyyyyyyyyyyyyye ida kayen des faute nsa7ouhoum kifkif ok ??
123 viva l'algerie

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