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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ممكن مساعدة في حل هذا التمرين أرجوكم

11-05-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 02:18 AM
ممكن مساعدة في حل التمرين 5 صفحة 19 في الإنجليزية 2 آداب وفلسفة

أو هذا هو نص التمرين:

1-- Complete the sentences below in a logical way using going to. An example is given to you.

Example:Look at those black clouds. It's going to rain.

a. You've put too much pressure in the balloon . Mind, ......................

b. The referee has put the whistle in his mouth. ....................................

c. Mouloud has lost his balance. ...................

d. Zohra has switched off the TV. .........

e. Karim has just entered the postoffice. .................

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