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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : please heps me

11-05-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 02:06 AM
I am writing to you gor an advice .
My name is kazrima and Iam a secondary school pupil.I can't mak up my mind about a personal problem.I will pass my baccalaureate exam. soon, Iwill certainly succed, but my parent are old and are in need for financial help.I would really like to help them.however.if I do so, I will have to give up my dream of becoming a doctor.In short Iam in a dilemma, on the one hand if I decide to help my parent, I will have to renounce to my registration at the university.On the other hand if I don't,I will feel quilty of not helping my family.I have no one to turn, so what can I do?
sincerly yours

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