المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : من فضلكم اريد مساعدة - تمارين رائعة انجليزية -

11-05-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 01:59 AM
لقد حاولت في التمارين رائعة و هذه فقط بعض الاجزاء التي لم افهمها

Activity one ; turn the sentences below into active or into

they carry out different tools ....................................
she has well covered the new events.....................................

Activity two : use correct modal auxiliary

when nations become really well educated they .........................
certainly raise their country

It is possible to see everybody as a friend but ……………… everybody
be a friend of you ?

Don’t let others draw way because you…………………….be the
architect of your own future.

Those who know why they live ………………..essily know they ………….live

Don’t be optimistic , because this ………………………make you see
life from a dark ********

Activity 3 : correct the mistakes in the sentences

Petroleum factory have recruiting many workers……………………………………

Many factors was been consider as the primary causes………………………………………

Their country providing all good circumstances can for them…………………………………….

He playes has for the team that have is retired…………………………….

Many illness musted be cause by pollution……………………

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