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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Can you help me

11-05-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 01:23 AM
Read the following text, then do the activities
Peacemakers are individuals and organizations involved in peacemaking, often in countries affected by war, violent confilct, and political instability. They engage in processes such as negotiation, conciliation, and arbitration-drawng on international law and norms. The objective is to move a violent conflict into transformation processes or through the work of represenative political institution.
Peacemaking can occur at different levels, sometimes referred to as 'tracks' "High level" ( governmental and international ) peacemakin,,involing direct talks between the leaders of conflicting parties, is sometimes thus referred to as Track 1. Tracks 2 and 3 are said to involve dialogue at 'lower' levels-often unofficially between groups, parties, and stakeholders to a violent conflicit-as well as efforts to avoid violence by addressing its causes and deletious ersults. Pracemakers may be active in all three tracks, or in what is sometimes called multi-track diaplomacy
1/ Choose the idea that best summarizes the above passage
a- UN peacekeeping troops
b- Peacemarkers and their duties
c- Preserving life is the responsibility of each one
2/ Say if the following statements are true or false according to the text
a- only international organizations can involve in maintaining peace
b- peacemarkers chief duy is to solve problems with force
c- peacemaking includes working internatinally with governments
d- peacemarkers should be diplomats
3/ is the above passage : a:descriptive b:narrative c:argumentative
4/ Waht do the underlined words in the text refer to?
a. they(paragraphe 1) b. its(paragraphe 2)
5/ Match words and their opposites
1.individual a. provocation
2. negotiation b. agreement peace
3. conflict c. group
6/ Complete the following table
verbs nouns adjectives
7/ Classify the following words according to the pronunciation od "s"
organizations - countries - differnces - processes - tracks - leaders - parties - groups - causes - efforts

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