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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ♥☻♥ فقرات في مادة الانجليزية عن كوارث طبيعية .....مؤكد ستحتاجونها ♥☻♥

11-05-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 12:15 AM
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى وبركاته

كيف هي احوالكم؟؟ اخباركم؟؟
ارجو أن تكونوا في احسن حال ومستعدين لخوض اسبوع من الامتحان شاملات (لمن سيجتازون الاسبوع القادم مثلي)

نظرا لكثرة الطلبات حول فقرات في مادة الانجليزية موضوعها


و أـغلب الظن أنه سيكون موضوع الوضعية في امتحان شامل اللغة مادة الانجليزية

بحثت طويلا وعثرت على هاتان الفقرتانـ
ارجو أن تفيد الجميع


Flood in a town

Notes: Sudden rain – Continued for days – Floods – Many homes washed away – Many people made homeless – Some drowned – School closed – Hospital full – Much suffering – Rain stopped – Sunshine again – People happy.

After a long period of dry weather in my town, it suddenly began to rain one day. The people were happy.

The rain continued for days. The people then became worried. Soon there were floods everywhere, which caused much damage and suffering.

Many houses were washed away by the flood water, and hundreds of people were made homeless. Some were also drowned. Schools were closed to provide ****ter to those who were affected by the floods. The hospital was filled with sick people.

Fortunately, the rain stopped to prevent further damage and suffering to the people. There was sunshine again and the people were happy.


A building on fire

Notes: Sleeping – Sudden shouts of fire – Woke up – Ran out of house – Saw building on fire – Fire – engines arrived – Heard screams inside building – At last fire put out – Some people burnt to death – Very sad.

One night my sleep was suddenly disturbed by shouts of fire. I ran out of my house to find out what had happened.

I then saw a four-storeyed building on fire. Many people were screaming inside the building, and many were rushing out of it. Two women were so desperate that they tried to jump down through the windows; but they were pulled back by others inside the building.

Soon three fire-engines arrived, and the fire men began to work immediately. They threw a lot of water on to the building with the hoses of the fire-engines.

At last, after several hours, the fire was put out. By now some people were already burnt to death. Others were in a state of shock.

Soon two ambulances arrived and took the dead and the injured to the hospital. The police too arrived shortly to do what was necessary.

I felt very sad after this incident.

i hope i could give you some help with these two paragraphs

وكل مانرجو منكم
كلمة شكر مشجعة
ودعوة للشر دافعة

وبارك الله فيكم


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