المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : لمن يبحث عن التعبير في اللغة الانجلزية عن حادث مرور

11-04-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 06:28 AM
the accedent occured near a sharp bend in the road leading to the school yeterday.according to the witnessthe car diven who runs over the boy was holding his mobile phone near his hear and driving fastanother witness said that the boy was runing after his ball .i din't know what happned exactly.but the events were going quiqly untill i saw the child lying on the road the lory driven unjered the boy to the hospital but unformmatly the boy died before hegot tothe hospital.while the car driven escape .but one of the witness took his plata number and give it to the polic

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