المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : بحث جاهز من تصميمي For You ^_^

loulou ange
11-04-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 06:18 AM
اقدم لكم بحث في الانجلزية من تصميمي اليكم وهو يتحدث عن اختراع الكمبيوتر واتمنى اني افدتكم وبالتوفيق

in our project we choose the computer to talk about it so let’s see it togther

in the past the people was lived in dark world and all the works was hard the inventors tought to invented something supply the brai nit is the first computer but this time they had a problem with that invention because it took a loong time to proceeding the process or the works and it took a very large space then they tought about a new invention and they did and evry time the develeped the new and the easy for the usage until now

in the computer there are a many kind and model of it they are : personal computer (pc) the computer giant super and the computer server and other

the computer composed of the healer the memory the mother board vga(graphicr card) the soundacard the hard drive the floppy disk drive cd-rom drive and the secondary components(المكونات)is the screen the mouse the central unit the loudspeaker and the keyboard

the computer is 20 pouces hight and 50 cm deep the memory of it is 1000 Go and 4096 Mo

the computer work when we fill the UBS if we have one before anything then fill the screen and the headphone or speaker then click the start botton and wait for the download operating system

the specifications of the recent model are :

intel core i7-310qm quard core processor

8GBDDR3 memory

1TB5400RPM storage

NVIDA GE FORCE GT630 M 2GB with optimus

corner Ed Zauch is a germany he was born on 22 june 1910 in berlin and was aired automtic calculators in1936 he invented the first calculator mechanical dubbed Z \1 and including it clean engineer who works in public works was looking for a way relieves the bourden of computing breakfast his calculate first uses electricity and designed in 1940 Z \2 in 1941 invented the Z\3 wich opend the era of progrommable computer bootable in the world credited him invent the first computer languge the languge of sports dubbed replant kalkolt and he dead in 1995

the computer is not coincidence but was result of work and resurch and many attempts of scientists long ago

reson invention the computer is to account for large operations in a short time and then became used in all areas


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