المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : help me ..

11-04-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 02:16 AM

?Your age - 1
20 - 10 *
30 - 21 *
40 - 31 *
More *
?Your job -2
Professional .*
?Gender -3
* Male * Female
?Your nationality4 -
. Gulf region*
.Middle East (Other Arab countries)*
.Asian countries*
.* Europe , USA , Canada & South America
How many hours do you stay on your computer ?5 -
* 1 hour .
* 2-3 hours .
* 4-5 hours .
.More than 6*
.When we can say someone is addicted ? ( you can choose more than one point) 6 -
. * If the people hate this person for using his computer a lot
. * If this person doesn't care about anything else but staying hours on computer
. If he doesn't know how many times he use the computer*
. If he can't stay without using his computer for one day *
?How many hours stay on the computer to be addict -7
. 2 hours each day *
. 3-4 hours each day *
. 5-6 hours each day *
. 7 or more hours each day *

8 - What is the reason behind computer addiction in your opinion? ( you can choose more than one point) .
.Chatting with others*
.Using the computer as an information source*
.The absence of parents supervision*
.The miss using of spare time*
.Do you find it hard to stay away from the 'Net for several days at a time9 -
* Yes * No
. Have you tried, unsuccessfully, to curtail your use of the ' Net -10
* Yes * No
. Do you derive much of your pleasure and satisfaction in life from being on the ' Computer -11
* Yes * No
? Do You want to suggest anything to help me in my project *


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