المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : lesson plans second year all units

11-03-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 11:37 PM
Theme: Life styles

Unit 01: diversity.
Function: -Describing-Narrating-Predicting-Expressing certainty and doubt-Expressing intention-Comparing
References: Getting through/ Personal support.
Level: 2AS

******* of the Unit

General aims: to enable the pupil’s to:
* Describe events, habits and actions in the past.
* Speak about present life, habits………………..
* Predict what will or may happen in our life (future).
******** points:
* The semi modal “used to”.
* The present simple tense.
* Going to and the present continuous.
* Will “future”.
* Modals: may-might…….
* Relative pronouns.
* Link words: in contrast, by contrast…..
* Comparative and superlatives.
* Comma pauses.
* Vowels and diphthongs.
* Sounds alike (homophones-homonyms).
* Sufixes: ic/ical/ism…
* words related to food, clothes.
* Reading for specific information and general ideas.
* listening for specific information and general ideas.
* writing a policy statement.
* writing a short essay using comparison and contrast.
* writing a slogan.
·“A life styles profile”.


Lesson Plan



Discover the ********

Before you Read

As you Read

After Reading


Write it Right.

Say it Loud and Clear

Working with Words

Listening and speaking

Listening and speaking

Reading and writing I

Write it Out:


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