تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : la tarte au citron tchehi

11-02-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 08:11 AM
elsalemou 3leikoum
elyoum jebtelkoum wassfa ewledi y7ebouha bezaf we hia la tarte au citron hadi 5demetha we ditha lwa7da 7bibti ,,we ileikoum el ma9adir
le3jina hiya la pate sablee
150g zebda wella margarine
300g de farine
3safar elbeid
2g 5mira ta3 gato
zest ta3 el9aresse
t5alti elme9adir m3a ba3ad we t7oti le3jina fe eltellaja nssef ssa3a30m we mbe3ed t7eliha we tdiriha fe moule te3 tarte we teibiha dorre
nro7o la creme
25g te3 maizena
1/4l me3
80g zebda tkoun be 7rarat elrorfa
100g sokor3edi
3ila47bette 9aresse sa3ate ndir 7tta5 3la 7ssab el9aresss
80g sokor glacee
te7ekmi el9resse tne7i menou zest we t3oussrih ,,webe3ed t7oti elme2we el3assirwe 100gte3 soko 3la nar hadia we ki yerlou tzidilhou elmaizena li tkouni 7leitiha fe chwiya me3 we safar elbeid we t5alti be sour3a we me te7essiche 7tta te5ter
we be3ed tne7iha men 3la elnar we tzidi elzbda we le zest we t5altiha we thotiha feou la tarte we tzeiniha be les merigues
les merigue
tbatte elbeyad te3 zouj beidat me3a 9arssa mele7 7atta welli ki telej(en neige)we be3ed tzidi sokor bele39al 7tta iwalli ki elkrima we t7oti elmeringue te3ek fou9 la tartewe traj3iha lelfour tet7amar chwiya we t5arjiha we t9admiha berda we elsa7a we lehna


illi b9atli dretha des tarteletts louledi we rani nesstena fe raikoum

<legend>الصور المرفقة</legend>

Photo 117.jpg&rlm; (http://www.dzbatna.com/attachment.php?s=ce0af4b2c363d4d43daa878077cca9f6&attachmentid=26321&d=1309091721) (11.4 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 102)

Photo 119.jpg&rlm; (http://www.dzbatna.com/attachment.php?s=ce0af4b2c363d4d43daa878077cca9f6&attachmentid=26322&d=1309091845) (10.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 100)

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/482113_236967293114455_1193518507_n.png (http://www.dzbatna.com)
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