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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : [جديد] الاصدار الاخير HostBill version 2.6.0

11-02-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 01:30 AM
السلام عليكم

دائما مع الجديد

هوست بيل في اصداره الاخير 2.6.0

ما جديد النسخة ؟

- New Dedicated Servers Order Page - Customizable, professional order page for dedicated servers offering - you can compete with big companies now - see it in action! (http://hostbillapp.com/2/index2.6.0.html)

- New Simple slider Order Page - Clean and simple order page for easy order process. see screenshots! (http://hostbillapp.com/2/index2.6.0.html)

- Plugin: CC Charger - Got call from client with credit card to charge? Doing it with HostBill is now few mouse-clicks!

...and as usual: Much more (http://hostbillapp.com/2/index2.6.0.html)! (http://hostbillapp.com/2/index2.6.0.html)

List of new features / improvements:
رمز PHP:

<code style="white-space:nowrap"> <code> New Plugin: State/Province dropdown - watch video
New Plugin: Credit Card Charger - watch video
Affiliates: Its now possible to offer recurring commissions for every renewal payment made by referred customer
Clientarea: &languagechange param now dont force redirection - so it can be use in direct cart links
Clientarea: Extra fields are now listed in clientarea billing info
Products: Its now possible to set up clientarea visible extra field to be filled by admin after purchase
ProductAddons: ability to duplicate product addon
Settings: Added ISO4217 currency check to avoid gateway issues
Plugin: VIES VAT Check - added field to enter business country location to avoid tax exception in same country
Performance: Jquery update + minor template optimizations
HTML Integrator Plugin: Update for support bulk domain search
Settings: Ability to configure price display (decimals, thousands, separators)
New Payment Gateway: ACI Gateway
Cart related templates have been moved to /templates/orderpages dir
Domains: Auto-Synchronization task can now be executed every 5 minutes, and sync domains with 3 months to expire
Domains: Next due is synchronized only if it differs by less than 3 months from expiration
Domains: Domain-Related order will now be marked "Active" once domain will be auto-registered.
Domains: Updated whois list with 30+ new tlds
Logs: Cancellation requests are now logged under Extras->System Logs
Tickets: Staff now gets notification about ticket closed by client
Tickets: Staff are notified by ticket notes updates
Billing: Email notification for staff members is sent once client adds funds to his balance
InfoPages: Added nicer urls in form of /page/my-info-page-title/
</code> </code>

Bugs Fixed:
رمز PHP:

<code style="white-space:nowrap"> <code> Upgrades: "Wrong Parameter" message on upgrading accounts
Upgrades: Change Package issue on some servers - setting to old package.
Module: Authorize.net CC update to latest API
Module: Authorize.net Gateway update to latest API
Module: PayPal - rounding decimals in subscription problem
Clientarea: Wrong total due amount when invoices are partially paid
Clientarea: Total due shown in wrong currency in multicurrency
Cart: Domain order in other currency recalculate issue
Cart: Hostname field displayed for vps products with domain attached
Cart: Order from funds apply credit on taxed items only for partially taxed invoices
Cart: Product requires domain on some orders with "add hosting" option issue.
Cart: Discount calculation issue for currencies other than default
Cart: Discount for tlds with periods selected other than default
Cart: "no_paymodule_attached" error on onestep cart when order should not be processed.
Cart: pro-rata issue for products with amount>1000
Invoices: Invoice setting back to pending on bulk invoice payment when order gets auto-accepted issue
Invoices: EU numeration - incrementing paid id for bulk invoice payment issue
Invoices: Admin warning prompt before charging creditcard issue
Invoices: Applying only part of client credit for multi-lines invoices
Invoices: Applying late fee for bulk-payment and add funds invoices
Invoices: Generating invoices for addons with blank due date
Invoices: Slash in business name breaks pdf attachment
Invoices: Partially paid invoices now sets proper balance for gateway
Invoices: "domainrenewal" is not translated on auto-generated invoices
Invoices: Double entries for domain renewal invoices
Automation: Generating separate invoice for domain renewal and hosting renewal in one run
Automation: Not suspending free accounts with due date set and custom suspension period
Automation: Automatic domain renewal issue for cleared logs/unaccepted order
Automation: Account termination messages are not being send
Affiliates: Sort columns in adminarea is broken
Adminarea: Its possible to remove own admin account
Adminarea: List clients performance issue for installations with 25k+ clients
Adminarea: "At least one superadmin" when removing administrator issue
Tickets: No auto-change for https urls to links
Emailtemplates: Adding new email sets 1 to content
Domain checker: Form submit outside of HostBill for bulk check dont work
Domain checker: Looking up domains with not allowed chars dont throw any error
DBBackup plugin: Cron issues for dumping DB.
WHMCS import: Admin import issues, new import category problem
Domain Prices: Adding domain with same price prompts error
Namecheap Module: Missing extended parameters for certain extensions
SecurePay.com.au Gateway: Prompting error for successful transactions
DomainPrices: Custom created emails are missing + not saving
API: getTickets is not returning anything
</code> </code>

لمعرفة المزيد حلو الاصدار الجديد ادخل هنا (http://hostbillapp.com/2/index2.6.0.html)
لتجربة النسخة التوضيحية ادخل هنا (http://demo.hostbillapp.com/admin/)
لحجز نسخة من الاصدار الاخير ادخل هنا (https://hostbillapp.com/clientarea/?affid=15)

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/482113_236967293114455_1193518507_n.png (http://www.dzbatna.com)
©المشاركات المنشورة تعبر عن وجهة نظر صاحبها فقط، ولا تُعبّر بأي شكل من الأشكال عن وجهة نظر إدارة المنتدى (http://www.dzbatna.com)©

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