المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : دور الدوال المغلقة فى php.ini

11-02-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 01:27 AM
نقوم بإغلاق الكثير من الدوال فى ملف php.ini و أذكر لكم عمل كل دالة من هذة الدوال :-

رمز Code:
system - It executes an external program and display the result. exec - It executes an external command. passthru – It is similar to the exec() function which execute commands. popen – It opens process file pointer. proc_close - It closes a process opened by proc_open and returns the exit code of that process proc_open - It executes a command and opens file pointers for Input/Output proc_get_status- It gets information about a process opened by proc_open() proc_nice- Change the priority of the current process show_source - show the source of a file proc_terminate- Kills a process opened by proc_open highlight_file- Syntax highlighting of a file escapeshellcmd- Escape shell metacharacters define_syslog_variables- Initializes all syslog related variables posix_getpwuid- Return info about a user by user id apache_child_terminate- Terminate apache process after this request posix_kill- Send a signal to a process posix_mkfifo - Create a fifo special file (a named pipe) posix_setpgid- Set process group id for job control posix_setsid- Make the current process a session leader posix_setuid- Set the UID of the current process escapeshellarg- Escape a string to be used as a shell argument posix_uname- Get system name ftp_exec- Requests execution of a command on the FTP server ftp_connect- Opens an FTP connection ftp_login- Logs in to an FTP connection ftp_get- Downloads a file from the FTP server ftp_put- Uploads a file to the FTP server ftp_nb_fput- Stores a file from an open file to the FTP server (non-blocking) ftp_raw- Sends an arbitrary command to an FTP server ftp_rawlist- Returns a detailed list of files in the given directory ini_alter- This function is an alias of: ini_set() ini_restore- Restores the value of a configuration option syslog- Generate a system log message openlog- Open connection to system logger define_syslog_variables- Initializes all syslog related variables apache_setenv - Set an Apache subprocess_env variable mysql_pconnect - Open a persistent connection to a MySQL server eval- Evaluate a string as PHP code fputs — Alias of fwrite() shell_exec - execute command via shell and return the complete output as a string curl_exec - perform a cURL session curl_multi_exec - run the sub-connections of the current cURL handle dl - loads a PHP extension at runtime fsockopen - open internet or unix domain socket connection parse_ini_file - parse a configuration file symlink - creates a symbolic link
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