المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : PHP 5.2.9 Released!

11-02-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 01:12 AM
Version 5.2.9
The PHP development team would like to announce the immediateavailability of PHP 5.2.9. This release focuses on improving the stability ofthe PHP 5.2.x branch with over 50 bug fixes, several of which are security related.All users of PHP are encouraged to upgrade to this release.
* Security Fixes
o Fixed security issue in imagerotate(), background colour isn't validated correctly with a non truecolour image. Reported by Hamid Ebadi, APA Laboratory (Fixes CVE-2014-5498). (Scott)
o Fixed a crash on extract in zip when files or directories entry names contain a relative path. (Pierre)
o Fixed explode() behavior with empty string to respect negative limit. (Shire)
o Fixed a segfault when malformed string is passed to json_decode(). (Scott)
o Fixed bug in xml_error_string() which resulted in messages being off by one. (Scott)
* Changed __call() to be invoked on private/protected method access, similar to properties and __get(). (Andrei)
* Added optional sorting type flag parameter to array_unique(). Default is SORT_REGULAR. (Andrei)
* Fixed zip filename property read. (Pierre)
* Fixed error conditions handling in stream_filter_append(). (Arnaud)
* Fixed bug #47422 (modulus operator returns incorrect results on 64 bit linux). (Matt)
* Fixed bug #47399 (mb_check_encoding() returns true for some illegal SJIS characters). (for-bugs at hnw dot jp, Moriyoshi)
* Fixed bug #47353 (crash when creating a lot of objects in object destructor). (Tony)
* Fixed bug #47322 (sscanf %d doesn't work). (Felipe)
* Fixed bug #47282 (FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL is marking valid email addresses as invalid). (Ilia)
* Fixed bug #47220 (segfault in dom_document_parser in recovery mode). (Rob)
* Fixed bug #47217 (content-type is not set properly for file uploads). (Ilia)
* Fixed bug #47174 (base64_decode() interprets pad char in mid string as terminator). (Ilia)
* Fixed bug #47165 (Possible memory corruption when passing return value by reference). (Dmitry)
* Fixed bug #47152 (gzseek/fseek using SEEK_END produces strange results). (Felipe)
* Fixed bug #47131 (SOAP Extension ignores "user_agent" ini setting). (Ilia)
* Fixed bug #47109 (Memory leak on $a->{"a"."b"} when $a is not an object). (Etienne, Dmitry)
* Fixed bug #47104 (Linking shared extensions fails with icc). (Jani)
* Fixed bug #47049 (SoapClient::__soapCall causes a segmentation fault). (Dmitry)
* Fixed bug #47048 (Segfault with new pg_meta_data). (Felipe)
* Fixed bug #47042 (PHP cgi sapi is removing SCRIPT_FILENAME for non apache). (Sriram Natarajan)
* Fixed bug #47037 (No error when using fopen with empty string). (Cristian Rodriguez R., Felipe)
* Fixed bug #47035 (dns_get_record returns a garbage byte at the end of a TXT record). (Felipe)
* Fixed bug #47027 (var_export doesn't show numeric indices on ArrayObject). (Derick)
* Fixed bug #46985 (OVERWRITE and binary mode does not work, regression introduced in 5.2.8). (Pierre)
* Fixed bug #46973 (IPv6 address filter rejects valid address). (Felipe)
* Fixed bug #46964 (Fixed pdo_mysql build with older version of MySQL). (Ilia)
* Fixed bug #46959 (Unable to disable PCRE). (Scott)
* Fixed bug #46918 (imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist host part not filled in correctly). (Felipe)
* Fixed bug #46889 (Memory leak in strtotime()). (Derick)
* Fixed bug #46887 (Invalid calls to php_error_docref()). (oeriksson at mandriva dot com, Ilia)

* Fixed bug #46873 (extract($foo) crashes if $foo['foo'] exists). (Arnaud)
* Fixed bug #46843 (CP936 euro symbol is not converted properly). (ty_c at cybozuy dot co dot jp, Moriyoshi)
* Fixed bug #46798 (Crash in mssql extension when retrieving a NULL value inside a binary or image column type). (Ilia)
* Fixed bug #46782 (fastcgi.c parse error). (Matt)
* Fixed bug #46760 (SoapClient doRequest fails when proxy is used). (Felipe)
* Fixed bug #46748 (Segfault when an SSL error has more than one error). (Scott)
* Fixed bug #46739 (array returned by curl_getinfo should contain content_type key). (Mikko)
* Fixed bug #46699 (xml_parse crash when parser is namespace aware). (Rob)
* Fixed bug #46419 (Elements of associative arrays with NULL value are lost). (Dmitry)
* Fixed bug #46282 (Corrupt DBF When Using DATE). (arne at bukkie dot nl)
* Fixed bug #46026 (bz2.decompress/zlib.inflate filter tries to decompress after end of stream). (Greg)
* Fixed bug #46005 (User not consistently logged under Apache2). (admorten at umich dot edu, Stas)
* Fixed bug #45996 (libxml2 2.7 causes breakage with character data in xml_parse()). (Rob)
* Fixed bug #45940 (MySQLI OO does not populate connect_error property on failed connect). (Johannes)
* Fixed bug #45923 (mb_st[r]ripos() offset not handled correctly). (Moriyoshi)
* Fixed bug #45327 (memory leak if offsetGet throws exception). (Greg)
* Fixed bug #45239 (Encoding detector hangs with mbstring.strict_detection enabled). (Moriyoshi)
* Fixed bug #45161 (Reusing a curl handle leaks memory). (Mark Karpeles, Jani)
* Fixed bug #44336 (Improve pcre UTF-8 string matching performance). (frode at coretrek dot com, Nuno)
* Fixed bug #43841 (mb_strrpos() offset is byte count for negative values). (Moriyoshi)
* Fixed bug #37209 (mssql_execute with non fatal errors). (Kalle)
* Fixed bug #35975 (Session cookie expires date format isn't the most compatible. Now matches that of setcookie()). (Scott)

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