المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ثغرة أمنية فى إسكربت Clientexec

loulou ange
11-02-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 01:01 AM
إكتشاف ثغرة أمنية من نوعية SQL Injection

والحل لهذة الثغرة إبدال بعض الملفات

فقم بتنزيل الملف
http://www.clientexec.com/downloads/...ypatch_2.5.zip (http://www.clientexec.com/downloads/clientexec_securitypatch_2.5.zip)

وفك الضغط وأرفع الملفات فى المسار /modules/billing/

ملاحظة:هذا الباتش خاص فقط للاصدارين 2.5.0 و 2.5.2

وهاي رسالة الشركة

In response to this thread: http://www.clientexec.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8005 regarding SQL Injection Vulnerabilities, we have released a patch for version 2.5.0 - 2.5.2 of Clientexec. To install, download the attachment, unzip, and upload into the /modules/billing/ directory.

We will be releasing patches down through version 2.3 as well, but we always recommend to stay current with our application to ensure security updates, as well as features are up to date.

You can also download this patch from the thread mentioned above, or you can download the patch from the following link: http://www.clientexec.com/downloads/...ypatch_2.5.zip (http://www.clientexec.com/downloads/clientexec_securitypatch_2.5.zip)

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