المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : قريبا Softlayer سوف تقوم بفاتتاح DataCenter جديدة

11-02-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 12:57 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

سوف تقوم SoftLayer المعروفة بافتتاح داتا سنتر اخر في منطقة : Seattle الامريكية
وسوف يتم الافتتاح في منتصف December 07 بحول الله تعالى

وهذا هو الداتا سنتر رقم 2 للشركة Softlayer
والداتا سنتر رقم 1 موجود في ولاية Texas الامريكية

وللمزيد من التفاصيل اليكم هذا الاقتباس :

To All SL’ers

I am excited to announce the expansion of SoftLayer to Seattle Washington with an initial launch date in late December. SoftLayer has partnered with Internap for datacenter space that will accommodate over 10,000 servers. This brand new Internap facility went online August 1, 2014 and is state of the art including dense power and HVAC capabilities. I’ve listed some question/answers below and if you have more, just post them and I will answer them as quickly as I can.

- Is this your datacenter or Internap’s?

Internap’s new datacenter facility in Seattle Washington is one of their premier facilities that include private datacenter facilities for very large companies. The facility is owned and operated by Internap, but our private datacenter will be co-managed by Internap and Softlayer. This is a 250,000 square foot facility that has been split into mini 5,000 to 15,000 square foot private datacenters.

- Will the Seattle facility have onsite tech support 24/7?

Yes, SoftLayer has a 2500 square foot NOC facility adjacent to the datacenter in Seattle that will be home to our newest Seattle SL team members. Some have already been hired and are training in Dallas and many more will join us in the near future.

- Will any familiar faces from Dallas be in Seattle?

Yes, Joshua Rushe – Director of Operations – will be onsite for the first 3 months as the local team is trained in the ways of SoftLayer. Other engineers will be rotating tours of duty in Seattle and some are relocating permanently.

- Why Seattle?

We selected the Seattle location for the geographical diversity to Dallas. Seattle is roughly 2200 miles away and should offer increased performance to the western US, Canada and the Pacific Rim.

- Will Seattle offer all the same servers and services?

You bet, Seattle will be an exact duplicate of Dallas including the public and private networks and all the ancillary services (storage, iSCSI, load balancing, firewalls, etc)

- Will the network be multi-homed like Dallas

Yes, we will have multi-home 10g carriers on day one on both the public and private networks. This includes DDOS and IPS protection.

- Will you have datacenter to datacenter connectivity?

Yes, (and this is the coolest) – we have point to point 10g connections for both the public and private networks so you can pass traffic direct with datacenter to datacenter without any router hops. Datacenter to datacenter bandwidth over the private network is FREE!!

- Will of the prices be the same?

Of course……our goal is to simplify your life….not complicate it.

- Will this bring new services in the future?

Yes……and I am certain most of you can figure out the most logical services that we will add on…..but we also have some cutting edge services in the works. Starting in January, you will see some killer services that are non-existent in the hosting world as it exists today.

- I think I want to move from Dallas to Seattle – what do I do?

As the launch nears, I will be updating the forums. Talk to your sales rep to find out how to migrate.

- Are more cities planned for expansion in the future?

Seattle is the first stop on the Softlayer 2014 World Tour.[/LEFT]

سلام عليكم

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