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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : تحديث update امني جديد للكيرنل بالاضافة الى بعض التحديث updateات الاخرى

11-02-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 12:47 AM
التحديث update الجديد للكيرنل الخاص ب centos & ريد هات انتربرايس
بالنسبة لعملاء مربع - تم تحديث update جميع سيرفر SERVERاتهم بشكل مباشره http://www.dzbatna.com/images/smilies/cupidarrow.gif

http://www.murabba.com/support/index...uncement&id=25 (http://www.murabba.com/support/index.php?cmd=announcements&_a=viewannouncement&id=25)

1. Kernel Upgrade
Redhat Enterprise / CentOS 4:

This is a critical security upgrade:

During security research, Red Hat discovered a behavioral flaw in core dump
handling. A local user could create a program that would cause a core file
to be dumped into a directory they would not normally have permissions to
write to. This could lead to a denial of service (disk consumption), or
allow the local user to gain root privileges. (CVE-2014-2451)

Redhat Enterprise 3:

New features introduced by this update include:

- addition of the adp94xx and dcdbas device drivers
- diskdump support on megaraid_sas, qlogic, and swap partitions
- support for new hardware via driver and SCSI white-list updates

There were numerous driver updates and security fixes. Other key areas
affected by fixes in this update include the networking
subsystem, the NFS and autofs4 file systems, the SCSI and USB subsystems,
and architecture-specific handling affecting AMD Opteron and Intel EM64T

The following device drivers have been added or upgraded to new versions:

adp94xx -------- 1.0.8 (new)
bnx2 ----------- 1.4.38
cciss ---------- 2.4.60.RH1
dcdbas --------- 5.6.0-1 (new)
e1000 ---------- 7.0.33-k2
emulex --------- 7.3.6
forcedeth ------ 0.30
ipmi ----------- 35.13
qlogic --------- 7.07.04b6
tg3 ------------ 3.52RH

The following security bugs were fixed in this update:

- a flaw in the USB devio handling of device removal that allowed a local
user to cause a denial of service (crash) (CVE-2014-3055,

- a flaw in the exec() handling of multi-threaded tasks using ptrace() that
allowed a local user to cause a denial of service (hang of a
user process) (CVE-2014-3107, low)

- a difference in "sysretq" operation of EM64T (as opposed to Opteron)
processors that allowed a local user to cause a denial of service
(crash) upon return from certain system calls (CVE-2014-0741 and
CVE-2014-0744, important)

- a flaw in unaligned accesses handling on Intel Itanium processors that
allowed a local user to cause a denial of service (crash)
(CVE-2014-0742, important)

- an info leak on AMD-based x86 and x86_64 systems that allowed a local user
to retrieve the floating point exception state of a process run by a
different user (CVE-2014-1056, important)

- a flaw in IPv4 packet output handling that allowed a remote user to bypass
the zero IP ID countermeasure on systems with a disabled
firewall (CVE-2014-1242, low)

- a minor info leak in socket option handling in the network code
(CVE-2014-1343, low)

- a flaw in IPv4 netfilter handling for the unlikely use of SNMP NAT
processing that allowed a remote user to cause a denial of service
(crash) or potential memory corruption (CVE-2014-2444, moderate)

2. Antivirus Upgrade
This upgrade ClamAV to version 0.88.3. Issues fixed are:

libclamav/matcher-ac.c: fix possible false matches of alternatives
libclamav: Large binhex files were not being handled gracefully. Tidied the
handling code. Note that large binhex are not currently decoded.
libclamav/scanners.c: fix zero allocation warning

3. Updated Mod_Security Rules
Recently, there have been a spate of attacks targetting Mambo 3rd Party
components by injecting code into the ******s by directly calling on the
******s and including external URLs to inject malicious code. We have
updated our mod_security rulesets to protect against such attacks due to the
scope of the issue.

4. Miscellaneous Updates
This update feature many tweaks and optimization including the following:
- Optimized PHP logging levels to reduce verbosity
- Reduced DCC logging to prevent the logs from filling up the /usr partition
- Eliminate core dumps, partly to protect against the security issue in the
kernel above, as well as prevent Cpanel users from having their partitions
filled up with useless core dumps especially from Horde and Phpmyadmin
- Added our ******s to check any type of raid and their health status for
both software and hardware (3ware, Megaraid supported) raids. (Only for RAID
- Update Redhat Enterprise 3 servers to Update 8 (Only for RHE 3)


http://www.awsup.com/images/Mur.gif (http://www.murabba.com/)

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/482113_236967293114455_1193518507_n.png (http://www.dzbatna.com)
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