المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اقوى برامج السيو نسخ كااااامله SEO

11-01-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 09:57 PM
http://submitsuite.com/images/screenshots/Website-Submitter-create-a-new-profile-or-load-an-existing-one.jpg (http://submitsuite.com/images/screenshots/Website-Submitter-create-a-new-profile-or-load-an-existing-one.jpg)

Website Submitter 2.3

? As Web surfers rely more and more on search engines (http://javascriptb/b:void(0)) like Google and MSN, it has become more important than ever to make sure your site can be found in those search engines for relevant keyword phrases. To do that, you have to get your site indexed. But how can you make sure that you are listed? How can you make sure that one of your sites hasn’t been ignored?

? Website Submitter is the easiest semi-automated Web promotion tool. With our software you will never need to search for places to advertise again. Easily submit multiple websites to 3500 directories.

? The majority of website traffic comes from search engines. Some research shows that as much as 75% of traffic comes from them, and it is increasing at a very rapid rate. If your site is not ranked as a top site in the search engines it is obvious that you are going to lose traffic.

It can be a difficult and time-consuming process to rank higher in the search engines for your targeted keyword phrases. Unless you are an expert in the field of Search Engine Optimization, you may very well fail at competing with older, better-established, and better-optimized competitors.

Most of search engines rank your website based on keyword searches, contents of the page, the number of incoming and reciprocal links which your website has gotten from other relevant sites, and so on. Are you really prepared to learn about all of these optimization processes on your own?

Website Submitter helps with all aspects of search engine and directory (http://javascriptb/b:void(0)) submission, such as:

? Increasing search engine traffic to your site(s)
? Unlimited submissions for your site(s)
? Keeping a current list of search engines and directories available to you
? Increasing backlinks through directory submissions (http://javascriptb/b:void(0))
? Saving you time and effort
? Increasing backlinks through directory submissions in regional directories: 360 French directories, 200 Spanish directories, 160 German directories and 470 Romanian directories

More people are using search engines than ever before. This makes them the primary portal for many of your visitors. If you aren't listed in these engines, Web users won't even know you exist. You can list your sites with all of the major directories and search engines easily with Website Submitter.

Search engine submission (http://javascriptb/b:void(0)) can be confusing, especially when you have a lot of sites to manage. Make sure that they are all listed by using Website Submitter. It makes listing all of your sites with search engines quick and easy.

The Web is a volatile landscape. As such, new search engines are appearing every day. Keeping track of the latest additions can be a monumental task to handle independently. With Website Submitter, you won't have to worry. Our software will always have the latest lists of search engines and directories.

One of the most important tools for increasing your ranking in search engines is backlinks. Website Submitter helps you gain these important links by automatically submitting you to Web directories as well as search engines. Each directory you are listed in provides you with a backlink.

To submit your own sites to every search engine and directory provided by Website Submitter would take you weeks of work. Now you can submit all of your sites in a matter of hours. Take your time back by automating the submission process, so you can increase your productivity in running your business and websites.


Code: http://rapidshare.com/files/14051620...itter_v2.2.rar (http://rapidshare.com/files/140516201/Website_Submitter_v2.2.rar)

Article Submitter (http://javascriptb/b:void(0)) 2.3

http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn168/zarky111/66504ec4.png (http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn168/zarky111/66504ec4.png)
http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn168/zarky111/b6f8b40e.png (http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn168/zarky111/b6f8b40e.png)

An application that easily lets you submit to the web your articles.
Do you spend all of your time going to article directories to submit your content? Are you frustrated by sites rejecting your content because it's not formatted using their specific, confusing rules? Article Submitter could be the solution you need.

Article Submitter allows you to submit your articles to various websites and article directories on the Internet.
Semi-automatic submission to the most current list of directories
lets you focus on writing content, not submitting it.
Stop wasting your time going to article directories to submit your content. Loose the frustration of having your articles rejected because they are not formatted using each directory's specific and confusing rules!
Article Submitter is the fastest and easiest way to submit your content to over 640 directories. Just one click of a button and Article Submitter starts publishing your content the right way!

Here are some key features of "Article Submitter":
· Easily submit your content to multiple directories.
· No more hand editing to meet different guidelines.
· Always have an up to date list of directories.
· Save time by automating all phases of submission.
· Lets you focus on writing content, not submitting it.


Code: http://rapidshare.com/files/14051787...mitter_2.3.rar (http://rapidshare.com/files/140517872/Article_Submitter_2.3.rar)


http://www.rufull.ru/images/Feed.Submitter.v2.3.0.0.jpg (http://www.rufull.ru/images/Feed.Submitter.v2.3.0.0.jpg)


Code: http://rapidshare.com/files/140518970/rsssubmitter.rar

Website Popularity 2.0

http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t84/TheSaltinez7/WP.png (http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t84/TheSaltinez7/WP.png)


Code: http://rapidshare.com/files/140520405/wp.rar

BlogAutoMachine V2.0

http://www.blogautomachine.com/image/box.gif (http://www.blogautomachine.com/image/box.gif)


Code: http://rapidshare.com/files/14052168...utoMachine.rar (http://rapidshare.com/files/140521683/BlogAutoMachine.rar)

Seo Studio Enterprise Edition Ver.2.04.30 Worth 300 $

http://www.baghdadyat.com/up/uploads/images/baghdadyat-10d26899d9.jpg (http://www.baghdadyat.com/up/uploads/images/baghdadyat-10d26899d9.jpg)

* Why my competitors are getting top rankings?
* Am I targeting the right keywords?
* Does my website need more inbound links?
* Am I over optimizing my web pages?
* How can I increase my website's link popularity?

SEO Studio Enterprise Edition ver.2.04.30 (Cracked)
($329.99 USD)
SEO Studio Top Ranking Search Engine Optimization SEO Software From Trendmx.

Release Notes:
* Build link popularity by finding quality links from authority sites to help your ranking
* Track your link partners (http://javascriptb/b:void(0))'removed links as early as possible so you can react quickly without loosing valuable Google Page Rank (http://javascriptb/b:void(0)) and Link Popularity
* Choose the best keywords and eliminate the guesswork. You can easily extract the most effective keywords your competitors are using
* Top 10 website analysis tells you exactly how the top sites got their high rankings and how you can achieve the same results
* Submit your site to all the major search engines (http://javascriptb/b:void(0)) with a click of a button
* Ranking reporting helps you find out if your ranking changed within minutes instead of hours and you can also save and email your ranking reports with your company name (http://javascriptb/b:void(0)) and logo
* Schedule ranking, submission and keyword analysis reports with the SEO Studio task scheduler
* Get fast results without having to be an SEO expert

* It's easy to use, and there is plenty of context-sensitive help built right in
* Free software upgrades for the life of the product, we believe in continuous product and software improvements that will benefit our loyal customers

Link Popularity and Links Exchange Benefits:
Discover how your competitors achieve high search engine rankings by automatically finding their inbound link partners on all of the major search engines: Google, MSN, Yahoo, and many others. With a click of a button, analyze their text links for your choice of keywords, and also discover their Alexa and Google Page Rank. Manage all your link partners in one easy-to-use workspace, conduct email campaigns, and automatically build your link pages.

* Search for link partners with keywords or competitor's links found in all over 260 major Search Engines.
* Analyze Anchor text, META tags, and Title tags for specific keywords on link pages.
* Retrieve the Google Page Rank, Alexa Page Rank, Yahoo! Directory information, IP address and DMOZ information for your potential link partners.
* Manage link partners, and conduct email campaigns with customizable templates.
* Create link directory pages for your website that match your website's look and feel.
* Check for broken links or removed links from your link partners.
* Retrieve email addresses from WHOIS or your link partner's website.
* With one single click you can send hundreds of email link requests at once.

Search Engine Submission Benefits:
SEO Studio automatically submits you website and tracks manual submissions in all of the major Search Engines, saving you time and money unlike other online Search Engine submission services.

* Submit to over 60 search engines simultaneously.
* Submission status reports are generated for all submissions.
* Check the search engine's post submission result pages.
* Keep track of your manual submissions to directories and pay-per inclusion search engines.
* Schedule submission tasks for unattended execution.
* Export or email custom submission reports to your clients in HTML, or PDF formats with your company name and logo.

Keyword Analysis & Discovery Benefits:
The Interactive Live-Keyword Analyzer helps you attain the ideal keyword density, prominence, and keyword count to achieve high search engine ranking without getting penalized for over optimizing your web pages. You can discover hidden high ranking keywords for your website by extracting keywords from your competitor's websites.

* Retrieve internal links from any web page and keep a favorite website list.
* Analyze 24 sections of an HTML document including internal links and anchor text.
* Live keyword analysis highlights and re-calculates keyword statistics in with a click of a button.
* Calculate and report keywords statistics accurately to avoid over optimization including keyword count, density, prominence and character count.
* Search the major search engines and get keyword suggestions from Overture and Addwords.
* Export or email custom ranking reports to your clients in HTML or PDF formats with your company name and logo.

Ranking Reporter Benefits:
Produces detailed Search Engine positioning reports, saving you from lots of time spent every month in tracking where your website ranks against your competitors'.

* Rank as many websites as you like on over 260 major and international engines.
* Import/export keywords and URL lists.
* Track the progress of your rankings over time and sort them by keyword, engines or website URLs.
* Graphical ranking comparison of search engine results.
* Safe ranking checks with Google API and anonymous proxy server support.
* Powerful sorting feature allows you to reorganize the Ranking Reports by keyword, website URL, or search engine in real time without re-running the Ranking Reports.
* A built in filtering tool can display the Ranking Report for a specific keyword, website URL, or search engine based on your selection.
* You can eliminate ranking positions which returned zero results from the search engines.
* The summary section provides information on how many gains or losses occurred for all keywords, selected engines, and website URL's.
* Get information on the competitiveness of your keywords by viewing the Competing Pages column.
* Schedule ranking reports for unattended execution.
* Export or email custom ranking reports to your clients in HTML, PDF, Word or Excel formats with your company name and logo.

Top 10 Ranking Spy Benefits:
With Top 10 Spy, take keyword analysis to a new level, by measuring your web pages against competing web sites, with the flexibility of analyzing on all the major Search Engines.

* Your site vs. the competition keyword based comparison of 24 visible and non visible HTML elements.
* Easily discover techniques used by competitors to get top ranking pages on search engines.
* Important keywords statistics measured including keyword count, density, prominence and character count.
* Produces easy to understand reports giving you a clear picture of under or over optimization of keywords by HTML page sections.
* Transfer Keyword and website lists to the ranking tool and Keyword Analyzer
* Schedule Top 10 Spy reports for unattended execution.
* Export or email custom Top 10 Spy reports to your clients in HTML, or PDF formats with your company name and logo.


Code: http://rapidshare.com/files/14052460...0_Promoter.rar (http://rapidshare.com/files/140524602/SEO_Studio_Enterprise_Edition_2.04.30_Promoter.rar )

BookMarkingDaemon 3.0

http://bookmarkingdemon.com/images/box1.jpg (http://bookmarkingdemon.com/images/box1.jpg)

Official page:


Code: http://bookmarkingdemon.com/


Code: http://rapidshare.com/files/140525423/bmdaemon3.0.rar

Alexa rank enhancer

http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/1384/alexaboxsj0.jpg (http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/1384/alexaboxsj0.jpg)

RankEnhancer has found a way to help you improve your ranking and placement by using special technology that tricks these systems into thinking 1000s of vistors are already coming to your website. When they crawl your site, and see all this activity, that helps move you up the ladder.


Code: http://rapidshare.com/files/14053284...k_enhancer.rar (http://rapidshare.com/files/140532848/alexa_rank_enhancer.rar)


http://www.software.com/images/products/SEO%20ToolKit_177_216.PNG (http://www.software.com/images/products/SEO%20ToolKit_177_216.PNG)

The SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Toolkit includes everything you need to optimize and promote your web pages, to increase your web site traffic and search engine visibility.

SEO Toolkit v2.0 Includes:
- SubmitWolf v7.0 - Automated Submission Tool
- Rank Checker
- Meta Tag Editor
- PPC Bid Comparison
- Keyword Manager (*)
- Keyword Suggestion Tool
- Keyword Density Analyzer
- Keyword Explorer
- Reciprocal Link Checker
- Ranking Advisor
- Link Popularity & Saturation Monitor
- Google Site Map Generator
- Server Header Check
- Paid Inclusion Manager
- Competitive Intelligence (*)
- ROI Calculator
- and more...


Code: http://www.trellian.com/


Code: http://rapidshare.com/files/14053486...Kopona.NET.rar (http://rapidshare.com/files/140534866/TR.SEO_TKiT_2.0_Kopona.NET.rar)

Phantom Cloaker Professional

http://i33.tinypic.com/20fb61l.jpg (http://i33.tinypic.com/20fb61l.jpg)


A great and very rare tool to get a lot of traffic for your website (http://serw.clicksor.com/go.php?nid=1&cpx=cpc&uid=2040485105&pid=97613&sid=144028&kw=traffic%2Bfor%2Byour%2Bwebsite&curl=http%3A%2F%2Fmeta.7search.com%2Fclick%2Fclick .aspx%3Fx%3DQsTEC2D2KZaMuMQdVOXh8A%253d%253d_rKaqR fPOFnYg34JA0hpoWqW2jDOvs%252f5cJmVBbJAf2KHNvQRBxn3 %252bcZM1wmGeKVtyFAdt07wNEWDoo429QXj4dG6HMaDQ3kaiH zATYjjFd9R%252fwg6C%252bJjCXZs77UVpB9pOGvbB2figYJB J6VkNrHe63HSc48EqMLisAOMHJqLx%252fwZS1wHz0t8Ft%252 fY4H5LGj9%252bv)

Full Domain License: $159.95 - Unlimited Use
Your are Entitled to use Cloaker on (ANY) Website (URL)

More Info at:


Code: http://www.phantomcloaker.com/purchase.html


Code: http://rapidshare.com/files/13933496...al_v2.4.14.rar (http://rapidshare.com/files/139334963/Phantom_Cloaker_Professional_v2.4.14.rar)

pass if needed

Code: www.extremezone.3xforum.ro (http://www.extremezone.3xforum.ro)

enjoy my friends and wait new updates or tools (ad reply also to keep the topic alive)



http://i36.tinypic.com/2nkpf2f.jpg (http://i36.tinypic.com/2nkpf2f.jpg)
http://i38.tinypic.com/fcibft.jpg (http://i38.tinypic.com/fcibft.jpg)

Code: http://rapidshare.com/files/169357270/SEO_Spider.rar

تجميع اخوكم صقر
الى احلى منتدى ديزاد باتنة الحبيب
اتمنى التقييم يعلم ربنا انا تعبت اد ايه فى البحث عن النسخ الكامله

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/482113_236967293114455_1193518507_n.png (http://www.dzbatna.com)
©المشاركات المنشورة تعبر عن وجهة نظر صاحبها فقط، ولا تُعبّر بأي شكل من الأشكال عن وجهة نظر إدارة المنتدى (http://www.dzbatna.com)©

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