المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : حـــــــــــــــرام :: قفل حسابي بجوجل GOOGLE ادسنس :: مساعده

11-01-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 07:35 PM
الســـــــلام عليكم شباب

طبــــــعاً الموضوع باين من عنوانه

انا بـأختصار

كنت مشترك فـ جوجل GOOGLE وكله تمام التمام والحمد الله كان بيجيني فـ اليوم 5 $ و 8 كدا يعني

المهم فجأه لقيت جيبين ف الحساب بتاعي لما فتحته
الكلام ده

Account Disabled
Your AdSense account for this login is currently disabled. We recommend checking your email inboxes for any messages we may have sent you regarding your account status. Sometimes our messages can be caught by email filters, so please be sure to check the Bulk/Spam folders of your email accounts as well.

If your account was disabled for invalid click activity, please visit our Disabled Account FAQ for more information.

Return to AdSense home.

فروحت فتحت اليميل
لقيت سيبين رساله مكتوب فها الكلام ده


While going through our records recently, we found that your AdSense
account has posed a significant risk to our AdWords advertisers. Since
keeping your account in our publisher network may financially damage our
advertisers in the future, we've decided to disable your account.

Please understand that we consider this a necessary step to protect the
interests of both our advertisers and our other AdSense publishers. We
realize the inconvenience this may cause you, and we thank you in advance
for your understanding and cooperation.

If you have any questions about your account or the actions we've taken,
please do not reply to this email. You can find more information by
https://www.google.com/adsense/suppo...y?answer=57153 (https://www.google.com/adsense/support/bin/answer.py?answer=57153).


The Google AdSense Team


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