المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : وصلتني رسالة من دعم ادسنس ياريت المساعدة يا شباب

11-01-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 06:47 PM
وصلتني رسالتين النهاردة من دعم ادسنس
الاولي وكانت نصها

Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention. I'm currently working as quickly as I can to investigate your concern and I'll be sure to send you another email as soon as I have any more information. Thanks for your patience, and please let me know if there's anything else I can help you with in the meantime.

For additional questions, I'd encourage you to visit the AdSense Help Center ( http://www.google.com/adsense_help ) or the official AdSense blog ( http://adsense.blogspot.com?utm_source=txft (http://adsense.blogspot.com/?utm_source=txft) ). Alternatively, feel free to post your question on the AdSense Help Forum ( http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/AdSense?hl=en ).


The Google AdSense Team

Thanks for your email. After verifying your ID proof, I am happy to let
you know that I have manually overridden your PIN requirement and you
won't be required to enter another PIN for this account in the future.

Going forward, please keep in mind that if your payments are on hold for
any reason other than PIN or phone verification, you'll need to remove the
holds prior to the 15th in order to be paid in that month. Otherwise, your
outstanding earnings will roll-over to the following month and you'll be
paid out according to our normal payment cycle.

Once you've removed any additional holds from your account, you'll be
issued a payment at the end of the first month after your balance reaches
US $100.

For additional questions, I'd encourage you to visit the AdSense Help
Center ( http://www.google.com/adsense_help ) or the official AdSense blog
( http://adsense.blogspot.com?utm_source=txft (http://adsense.blogspot.com/?utm_source=txft) ). Alternatively, feel free
to post your question on the AdSense Help Forum (
http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/AdSense?hl=en ).


The Google AdSense Team

وانا حولت اترجم ما عرفت ومش عارف هل كدة هما فعلو البن كود code تبعي ولا لا
فياريت المساعدة يا اهل الخبرة

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/482113_236967293114455_1193518507_n.png (http://www.dzbatna.com)
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