المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : رسالتين من جوجل GOOGLE لحسابي بجوجل GOOGLE webmaster

11-01-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 05:54 PM
ياريت احد الاخوة يتكرم ويقول ما المقصود بهذه الرسالة

وما الحل لها لانه بعثوها لالي مرتين

- Old crawl rate: Normal

- New crawl rate: Slower

This new crawl rate will stay in effect for 90 days.

A slower crawl will reduce Googlebot's traffic on your server, but we may not be able to crawl your site as often. As a result, pages might take longer to appear in our index. If you feel that your server can handle the extra traffic, you can change the crawl rate again:

1. On the Dashboard, select the site you want.

2. On the Dashboard, under Tools, click Crawl rate.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/482113_236967293114455_1193518507_n.png (http://www.dzbatna.com)
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