المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : مشكلة كبيره قوقل google حذف الموقع

11-01-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 05:41 PM
مشكلة كبيره قوقل google حذف الموقع

وصلتني رساله من قوقل google


Thank you for reporting what appear to be paid-for links to this site: http://www.****.com/
- Website selling links: http://www.****.com/
- Website buying links: http://www.****.com/
We work hard to return the most relevant results for every search we conduct, and we appreciate you taking the time to send us a report. Buying links violates our Webmaster Guidelines (http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?answer=35769&hl=ar), and we believe that paid links harm the search experience for users everywhere. We'll investigate your report, and we'll use your data to improve our algorithmic detection of paid links.
We appreciate your taking the time to help us improve our service for your fellow users around the world. By helping us improve the quality of our search results, you're saving millions of people time, effort and energy.

تكفون حل
الحين الموقع ولا صفحه بقوقل google
من اسبوع


وترا شلت الروابط الوهمية والاعلانات النصيه

اللي يحلها لي وربي له هديه مايحلم فيها
وانا عند وعدي

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