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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : شرح طريقة حل مشكلة Zend Optimizer not installed بسرعة فائقة للجميع

11-01-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 02:33 AM
http://www.dzbatna.com/images/icons/icon30.gif ط´ط±ط* ط*ظ„ ظ…ط´ظƒظ„ط© Zend Optimizer not installed ط¨ط³ط±ط¹ط© ظپط§ط¦ظ‚ط© ظ„ظ„ط¬ظ…ظٹط¹ (http://www.dzbatna.com/t1560924/)

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حل مشكلة


Zend Optimizer not installed

This file was encoded by the Zend Encoder / Zend SafeGuard Suite
In order to run it, please install the freely available Zend Optimizer, version 2.1.0 or later.
What is the Zend Optimizer?

The Zend Optimizer is one of the most popular PHP plugins for performance-improvent, and has been freely available since the early days of PHP 4. It improves performance by taking PHP's intermediate code through multiple Optimization Passes, which replace inefficient code patterns with efficient code blocks. The replacement code blocks perform exactly the same operations as the original code, only faster.
In addition to performance-improvement, the Zend Optimizer also enables PHP to transparently load files encoded by the Zend Encoder or Zend SafeGuard Suite.
The Zend Optimizer is a freely-available product from Zend Technologies. Zend Technologies is the company that develops the scripting engine of PHP, also known as the Zend Engine.

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التحميل بالمرفقات

حمل الملف المضغوط بإسم php.ini

إلى مجلد الرئيسي للموقع مثال : public_html / هنا / وبس وراح تنحل بإذن الله

و السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

إذا إستاهل الموضوع ما تنسونا

الموضوع الأصلي : هنا (http://www.vb.zorba1.com/t37509.html) || المصدر : منتديات شبكة زوربا (http://www.vb.zorba1.com) || الكاتب: العاصفة (http://www.vb.zorba1.com/member.php?u=106)

ألعاب الأندرويد مجانا و حصريا (http://www.apotox.info/forum)

الملفات المرفقة
http://www.traidnt.net/vb/images/attach/zip.gif php.zip (http://www.traidnt.net/vb/attachments/484164d1273843450-php.zip) (208 بايت, عدد مرات المشاهدة 611 مرة)

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/482113_236967293114455_1193518507_n.png (http://www.dzbatna.com)
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