المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اعمل لنفسك فتحة دردشة من سطح المكتب (بدون اي مقابل)

11-01-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 01:27 AM
http://www.dzbatna.com/images/icons/icon30.gif ط§ط¹ظ…ظ„ ظ„ظ†ظپط³ظƒ ظپطھط*ط© ط¯ط±ط¯ط´ط© ظ…ظ† ط³ط·ط* ط§ظ„ظ…ظƒطھط¨ (ط¨ط¯ظˆظ† ط§ظٹ ظ…ظ‚ط§ط¨ظ„) (http://www.dzbatna.com/t1467016/)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

صراحه لاحظت ان البعض تحيذو علي المعلومه
واصبحو يعرضونها بلمقابل مع ان الفكره بسيطه
والمعلومه معروضه ولكن ليس بشكل متوسع

اليوم اقدم لكم درس مفصل
اعمل لنفسك فتحة دردشة من سطح المكتب (بدون اي مقابل)

عن طريق برنامج

http://www.instantexe.com/images/file_icon.gifInstantEXE3.EXE (http://www.instantexe.com/serveAttachment.php?dl=editor)

طبعا نسخه تجريبيه

بعد التنزيل

الشرح طريقة ~


The first thing to do is to set up the server to wait for incoming connections. Starting with an empty script, insert the "Network"-command into the script. As usual, a dialog will prompt you for further information.
http://www.instantexe.com/images/screenshots/tutorials/tut_networking1/network_dialog1.jpg You can picture a network-computer a business building. The street address of this house is called ip-address. The offices in the building provide different services and are identified by a port-number. We don't have to worry about the ip-address or the ID for now, we will come back to these settings in a follow-up tutorial. Our chat-server will reside at port 9999. Since the script is supposed to wait for incoming connections, activate the "Listen (Server)"-option. After setting up the server, the script should not terminate, so we'll make it sit and wait using the "Wait"-command.
The script consists of two lines of code now:
Network Listen (Server) (Port '9999')
Wait infinite...
You should save the script now, because we're going to get working on the client in the next step.

Now that we have created a server that waits for incoming connections, let's build a client that connects to it. Again, insert the "Network"-command into a new script.
http://www.instantexe.com/images/screenshots/tutorials/tut_networking1/network_dialog2.jpg First of all, activate the "Connect (Client)"-option. Since we want to connect to the server, we need to enter the port number that server runs on (9999 in our case). For the client usually the ip-address to connect to is also important. If client and server run on the same machine, you can leave it empty though, since it defaults to the local machine. If you want to connect over a real network, enter the ip-address of the computer that the server runs on. You could also build in an "Input"-command that prompts for the ip-address, but for the sake of simplicity we will just stick with the local computer at this point. As I said, this is just a really simple demo. After connecting, we will also put the client in "Wait"-mode.
The client script looks like this now:
Network Connect (Client) (Port '9999')
Wait infinite...

At this point it is quite useful to open a second instance of instant.EXE. Load and execute the server-script. Now switch to the client-script and run that one, too. Tada - absolutely nothing happend!
Well, at least we didn't notice anything happening. The connection has actually been established, but neither our server nor our client does anything with it. The network-plugin has special labels that are called when a connection is established. On the server side, this label is called ::iX_Network_Connection, on the client side it's called ::iX_Network-Connected.
At the end of both scripts, insert the "::Label"-command and select ::iX_Network_Connection or ::iX_Network_Connected respectively. We will create a small subroutine that gives feedback when an incoming connection arrives. The subroutine will simply display a message that tells us who connected. The ip-address of the computer we connected to is available in the variable [iX.Network.RemoteIP]:

Now for some chatting. In our small chat script, we will let the client open the conversation. We'll do this by using the "Input"-command to prompt for a message and then send it to the server right after establishing the connection. You should be familiar with the "Input"-command, so we will focus on sending the message at this point:
http://www.instantexe.com/images/screenshots/tutorials/tut_networking1/network_dialog3.jpg Since there is a connection, we can get the values for the ip-address and the port from the corresponding variables. The "Send"-option must be activated, and we will read the message we want to send from the variable we used when prompting the user. That's it, it's really that simple.

Both, client and server, have another special label: ::iX_Network_Received which is called, who would have guessed, when a message is coming in. Again, we will write a small subroutine to react to that event. What we want this subroutine to do is to
display the incoming message and it's origin
prompt for a reply
send that reply over the connection
The subroutine will be the same for client and server, so just write it once and copy&paste it then.
Now, insert the "::Label"-command and choose ::iX_Network_Received. We'll use the "Message"-command to display what has bee sent, the incoming message is available from the variable [iX.ReceiveText]. We already know how to prompt for a message and send, since we just did that in the client-script, just copy these two lines into the subroutine. It should look like this now:
:: iX_Network_Received
Message "[iX.Network.RemoteIP] wrote: [iX.Network.ReceiveText]" (Title: 'Info', 'OK, Cancel')
Input "Please enter a message" in [Message] (Caption 'Send message')
Network Send (IP address/host '[iX.Network.RemoteIP]', Port '[iX.Network.RemotePort]', Send text: '[Message]')
That's all, we have just created a small and simple chat client and server with only a couple of lines of code. As I already said, it's nothing fancy or particularly useful, but it gets it's job done. Now that you know how networking works in instant.EXE, you won't have to much trouble comprehending the slightly more advanced chat application in the script archive.

**iX200D55 74E62AMQlT RVJWRVIJMA 0KNjMJUCc5 OTk5J0wJMA 0KMzEJRQkw DQowCQkwDQ oxOQlpWF9O ZXR3b3JrX0 Nvbm5lY3Rp b24JMA0KMw lDb25uZWN0 aW9uIHRvIF tpWC5OZXR3 b3JrLlJlbW 90ZUlQXSBl c3RhYmxpc2 hlZC58STBU SW5jb21pbm cgQ29ubmVj dGlvbgkwDQ o0NQkJMA0K MAkJMA0KMT kJaVhfTmV0 d29ya19SZW NlaXZlZAkw DQozCVtpWC 5OZXR3b3Jr LlJlbW90ZU lQXSB3cm90 ZTogW2lYLk 5ldHdvcmsu UmVjZWl2ZV RleHRdfEkx CTANCjEwCU 1lc3NhZ2U9 UGxlYXNlIG VudGVyIGEg bWVzc2FnZX x8VSdTZW5k IG1lc3NhZ2 UnCTANCjYz CUknW2lYLk 5ldHdvcmsu UmVtb3RlSV BdJ1AnW2lY Lk5ldHdvcm suUmVtb3Rl UG9ydF0nU1 QnW01lc3Nh Z2VdJwkwDQ o0NQkJMA0K =*

**iX200FF3 F7ADEBMQlD TElFTlQJMA 0KNjMJUCc5 OTk5J08JMA 0KMTAJTWVz c2FnZT1QbG Vhc2UgZW50 ZXIgYSBtZX NzYWdlfHxV J1NlbmQgbW Vzc2FnZScJ MA0KNjMJSS dbaVguTmV0 d29yay5SZW 1vdGVJUF0n UCdbaVguTm V0d29yay5S ZW1vdGVQb3 J0XSdTVCdb TWVzc2FnZV 0nCTANCjMx CUUJMA0KMA kJMA0KMTkJ aVhfTmV0d2 9ya19Db25u ZWN0ZWQJMA 0KMwlDb25u ZWN0aW9uIH RvIFtpWC5O ZXR3b3JrLl JlbW90ZUlQ XSBlc3RhYm xpc2hlZC58 STBUSW5jb2 1pbmcgQ29u bmVjdGlvbg kwDQo0NQkJ MA0KMAkJMA 0KMTkJaVhf TmV0d29ya1 9SZWNlaXZl ZAkwDQozCV tpWC5OZXR3 b3JrLlJlbW 90ZUlQXSB3 cm90ZTogW2 lYLk5ldHdv cmsuUmVjZW l2ZVRleHRd fEkxCTANCj EwCU1lc3Nh Z2U9UGxlYX NlIGVudGVy IGEgbWVzc2 FnZXx8VSdT ZW5kIG1lc3 NhZ2UnCTAN CjYzCUknW2 lYLk5ldHdv cmsuUmVtb3 RlSVBdJ1An W2lYLk5ldH dvcmsuUmVt b3RlUG9ydF 0nU1QnW01l c3NhZ2VdJw kwDQo0NQkJ MA0K=*

Here is an advanced client / server chat script. It is based on the concept of the one described above, but has a custom window, allows multiple clients and has a (very basic) control syntax:
Client (http://www.instantexe.com/_downloads/client.ix3)
Server (http://www.instantexe.com/_downloads/server.ix3)

طبعا بلاجنبيه لانه من الموقع الرسمي ويوجد معاه الناتج النهائي

ممكت تشوف الدرس مفصل من هنا

http://www.instantexe.com/index.php?...ut_networking1 (http://www.instantexe.com/index.php?link_id=tut_networking1)

وفي دروس تانيه كتير مفيده
يعني تقدر تعمل لنفسك برنامج تخلي الاعضاء يدخلو عن طريق سطح المكتب
او التسجيل عن طريق سطح المكتب

ويوجد العديد من الدروس بلموقع


اتمني الافاده للجميع

سوف اتفرغ قريبا باذن الله لطلبات عمل فتحات الدردشه و التسجيل عن طريق سطح المكتب للجميع بدون مقابل

(مشغول شوي ببيع تصاميم و اسوي موقعي الجديد وارح اتفرغ)

يومين بلكتير باذن الله

ألعاب الأندرويد مجانا و حصريا (http://www.apotox.info/forum)

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