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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : صدور النسخة فيبويلتن في بي vBulletin Gold Release 4.0.0

10-30-2013, بتوقيت غرينيتش 10:14 PM
http://www.dzbatna.com/images/icons/idea.gif طµط¯ظˆط± ط§ظ„ظ†ط³ط®ط© فيبويلتن في بي vBulletin Gold Release 4.0.0 (http://www.dzbatna.com/t1419653/)

فيبويلتن في بي vBulletin Gold Release
The فيبويلتن في بي vBulletin team is very excited to announce the availability of فيبويلتن في بي vBulletin 4.0 Gold. The release includes فيبويلتن في بي vBulletin 4.0 Forums and the all-new فيبويلتن في بي vBulletin 4.0 Publishing Suite. As of today, these are officially supported products that are eligible for both ticket support and phone support.

What does Gold signify?
Gold signifies that this version of the software is stable, robust, and ready for production environments, when installation best practices are followed. See Wayne's article on upgrading:
http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/conte...-فيبويلتن في بي vBulletin-4-0

Gold signifies simple forward compatibility with future releases.

Gold signifies our commitment to provide support on the powerful new platform.

As is the case with all complex software, we strongly recommend following installation best practices when migrating/upgrading. We will also offer specific best practices for migrating big boards in the next few days.

How did we get to Gold status?
We have extensively tested the product and are confident that we have eliminated all known “show stopper” issues. During the last few months, we have released alpha versions, five beta versions, and four release candidate versions. Through this rigorous process, we have addressed issues that would interfere with normal site operations. Remaining open issues are essentially cosmetic in nature and will be addressed as deemed appropriate in subsequent releases—as is always the case with our releases. To learn more about how we got to Gold status, see this article by our CTO, Joe Rosenblum: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/conte...etting-to-Gold

Is our release approach different than the past?
Not really. Remember that the last major point release of فيبويلتن في بي vBulletin was five years ago—in 2004. It was a major change form فيبويلتن في بي vBulletin 2.0.

The releases during the last few years were relatively minor in comparison. This release “feels” different because it is a major update, delivering a much bigger upgrade in user features. Accordingly, there has been much more discussion about UI issues, ranging from functionality to cosmetics. As always, we continue to closely listen to feedback and will continue to make improvements.

When will future releases be available?
We expect to release 4.0.1 in the week of January 7th.
We expect to release 4.0.2 on January 21st.

We plan to keep a team dedicated to releasing packed maintenance releases according to the monthly schedule thereafter. And, of course, we are beginning to work on 4.1 and will be publishing more details soon.

Should I wait?
If you are deciding whether to upgrade to في بي vB 4.0 now or wait for future releases, please read: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/conte...r-wait-article

PS: What else should I know?

You should know... we're pumped. After many months of late nights, we're psyched about delivering the product to you. And there is much more good stuff to come

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