There are only two weeks now before my trip begins. I am very excited .I can hardly
wait to see you. My uncle has sent me my plane tickets* and I have already received
them . I have written letters to both grandmothers* so they know when I am coming. I
haven’t seen grand mother Taylor in Chicago for two years. I haven’t seen grand mother
Singer in Miami since I was ten.
I ‘ll stay in Chicago for a week* and I’ll be in Miami for another week. My plane will
land in Caracas on June 14th* just one month from today .I will stay with my uncle for a
month* until July 15th. What clothes will I need in Venezuela? I haven’t bought anything
new yet.I have never visited outside the United States before .I have never flown alone
before* either .I won’t be afraid. My uncle will pick me up at the airport in Caracas. My
mom says that I won’t have any trouble. I hope not.
See you in Caracas
A/ Reading comprehension (7pts)
a- how many interrogative sentences are there in the above passage?
b- Answer the following questions according to the letter:
1- Is Sara very happy to travel?
2- Has she visited the United States before?
3- Where is she going to travel?
4- How many days will she spend with her uncle?
c - What or who do the underlined words in the text refer to?
d-find words in the text which have the same meaning as the following ones:
1- journey =………….. 2- travelled by plane=………………..
e- Find words in the text which are opposites to the following ones:
1-received#…………. 2: sold#…………….
الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية
وزارة التربية الوطنية الديوان الوطني للتعليم والتكوين عن بعد
2014- فرض رائع المراقبة رقم 1 السنة الدراسية : 2014
المستوى : 1 من التعليم الثانوي الشعبة : ج م آداب / ج م ع و تكنولوجيا المادة: انجليزية عدد الصفحات: 2
إعداد : عقاد مليكة/أستاذة تعليم من التعليم الثانوي
B/ ******** study: (7pts)
a- Supply punctuation* apostrophes and capital letters where necessary:
did Sarah’s parents go to italy last august..
b- Ask questions on the underlined words.
This child usually plays in the garden.
c- Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1- I (watch) a film now.
2- The president (make) a speech two days ago?
d-- Rewrite the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one:
1-It’s necessary for pupils to put on pinafores at school.
Pupils……………………………pinafores at school.
2- you are not obliged to study music in a ******** school.
You…………………………………music in a ******** school.
3-the man is standing near our house. He is my father.
The man ……………………near our house is my father.
e- classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final “ed”
Worked completed arrived travelled landed
“d” “t” “id”
Section two: Written expression (6pts)
choose one of the following topics:
Topic one:
use the following ideas and write a paragraph about your next holidays.
Go to Bejaia …. Swim in the beach ….. go sightseeing… new friends……..
Have a walk……………. buy some souvenirs… …enjoy my holidays….etc……
Subject two:
There are only two weeks now before my trip begins. I am very excited .I can hardly
wait to see you. My uncle has sent me my plane tickets* and I have already received
them . I have written letters to both grandmothers* so they know when I am coming. I
haven’t seen grand mother Taylor in Chicago for two years. I haven’t seen grand mother
Singer in Miami since I was ten.
I ‘ll stay in Chicago for a week* and I’ll be in Miami for another week. My plane will
land in Caracas on June 14th* just one month from today .I will stay with my uncle for a
month* until July 15th. What clothes will I need in Venezuela? I haven’t bought anything
new yet.I have never visited outside the United States before .I have never flown alone
before* either .I won’t be afraid. My uncle will pick me up at the airport in Caracas. My
mom says that I won’t have any trouble. I hope not.
See you in Caracas
A/ Reading comprehension (7pts)
a- how many interrogative sentences are there in the above passage?
b- Answer the following questions according to the letter:
1- Is Sara very happy to travel?
2- Has she visited the United States before?
3- Where is she going to travel?
4- How many days will she spend with her uncle?
c - What or who do the underlined words in the text refer to?
d-find words in the text which have the same meaning as the following ones:
1- journey =………….. 2- travelled by plane=………………..
e- Find words in the text which are opposites to the following ones:
1-received#…………. 2: sold#…………….
الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية
وزارة التربية الوطنية الديوان الوطني للتعليم والتكوين عن بعد
2014- فرض رائع المراقبة رقم 1 السنة الدراسية : 2014
المستوى : 1 من التعليم الثانوي الشعبة : ج م آداب / ج م ع و تكنولوجيا المادة: انجليزية عدد الصفحات: 2
إعداد : عقاد مليكة/أستاذة تعليم من التعليم الثانوي
B/ ******** study: (7pts)
a- Supply punctuation* apostrophes and capital letters where necessary:
did Sarah’s parents go to italy last august..
b- Ask questions on the underlined words.
This child usually plays in the garden.
c- Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1- I (watch) a film now.
2- The president (make) a speech two days ago?
d-- Rewrite the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one:
1-It’s necessary for pupils to put on pinafores at school.
Pupils……………………………pinafores at school.
2- you are not obliged to study music in a ******** school.
You…………………………………music in a ******** school.
3-the man is standing near our house. He is my father.
The man ……………………near our house is my father.
e- classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final “ed”
Worked completed arrived travelled landed
“d” “t” “id”
Section two: Written expression (6pts)
choose one of the following topics:
Topic one:
use the following ideas and write a paragraph about your next holidays.
Go to Bejaia …. Swim in the beach ….. go sightseeing… new friends……..
Have a walk……………. buy some souvenirs… …enjoy my holidays….etc……
Subject two:
write a letter to your pen friend to tell her about your future holidays. Pay attention
to the layout (presentation) of the letter.

write a letter to your pen friend to tell her about your future holidays. Pay attention
to the layout (presentation) of the letter.

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