PROJECT n° = 02 :
ConduCting a survey about people’s mobile habits
-The questionnaire
- The interview
-The questionnnaire results
-The report
-The baragraph
The questionnaire:
Name : …………………………
- put a cross in the appropriate box:
- Answer the following questions:
1- Do you have a mobile ?
2- if no do you like to have one ?
3- Do you think that mobile is necessary in present day ?
4- if yes why ?
5- What do you use your mobile for ?
6- How many time do you spend at speaking with the mobile ?
7- Do you prefer use simple or smart mobile ?
8- Why ?
The interview:
A: Exuse me, sir, My names is Abdelkader …. I’m doing a survey on people’s the use mobile habits. May I ask you a few questions ?
B: Of course. Go ahead.
A: Thank you. First, what's your name?
B: My name is … Ahmed.
A: How old are you Mr. Ahmed ?
B: Im 30 years old.
A: Do you have a mobile ?
B: Yes, I have one.
A: Do you think that mobile is necessary in present day ?
B: Of course it is very important.
A: Why ?
B: because it enable us to communicate quickly with others and in any place in the world.
A: What do you use your mobile for ?
B: I use it to communicate with my family.
A: Great. My next question is how many time do you spend at speaking with the mobile ?
B: About half an hour.
A: Ok. Do you prefer use simple or smart mobile ?
B: I prefer use simple mobile.
A: Why ?
B: Because smart phones difficult to use.
A: Thank you very much for answering my questions. Goodbye.
B: you’re welcome. Goodbye.
The questionnnaire results:
The use mobile habits quistionnaire results
Number of informants : 40 Age : 18-40

Q1: yes (16)
Q2: yes (04)
Q3: yes (20)
Q4: to communicate quickly (14) for work (05) for emergencies (01)
Q5: for communicate (14) for games (04) for recall dates (02)
Q6: 5 min (05) 30 min (15) 1h (05)
Q7 : simple mobile (15) smart mobile (05)
Q8: easy to use (15) to sheer off (05)
Q1: yes (19)
Q2: yes (01)
Q3 : yes (20)
Q4: to communicate quickly (10) for work (05) for emergencies (05)
Q5: for communicate (10) for games (05) for recall dates (05)
Q6: 5 min (01) 30 min (10) 1h (09)
Q7: simple mobile (17) smart mobile (03)
Q8: easy to use (17) to sheer off (03)

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