ط³ظƒط±ط¨طھ ط§ظ„ط¹ط§ط¨ AV Arcade PRO v5.0

سكربت العاب AV Arcade PRO v5.0 *****

AV Arcade PRO v5.0 PHP script
download AV Arcade PRO v5.0 PHP script .zip

You've just come accross the cheapest
arcade script around!

AV Arcade Pro is just $10 per site meaning it can suit any budget. No

budget? No problem. We also offer a free arcade script but it doesn't

have as many features as AV Arcade Pro.

AJAX Admin

Manage games, categories and more without reloading the page in a smooth

AJAX interface. When adding a game you can enter a URL, select an

uploaded file or upload a new file. Then, AV Arcade can automatically

find the dimensions of the game.

The admin is best seen for yourself so check out the demo.

Mochi Integration

With mochi integration you can download games from mochi onto your site

in one click. The game will automatically be added to your site with the

correct dimensions and details such as description and instructions.

You can also generate revenue through the adverts displayed in these


User profiles & points

User profiles are built to make visitors want to come back to your site.

Users can add favourite games and add details about themselves. As they

use your site, they earn points for playing games, rating games and

adding comments. This encourages plenty of user participation.

You can also generate revenue through the adverts displayed in these


Complete customizability

When creating a template for AV Arcade you have more control than any

other arcade script. You can position almost anything anywhere. Want the

comments to appear beside the game? The description below the comments?

No problem. Want to show the game ratings on the homepage? You can.

And a whole lot more including:

التصويت والتعليق بميزة اجاكس AJAX Comments & Ratings

تستطيع اضافة اي اعلان من اي شبكة Easy integration of ads from any


ميزة رفع صورة رمزية للمستخدم Avatar upload system

ميزة رةابط سيو Built-in SEO urls

Advanced template system

Unique templates exclusive to AV Arcade

Force users to sign up after X amount of plays

Front-end language support

Featured games on homepage

W3C Valid code on all templates

Personal messaging system

Manage site from front-end

اللعب بشاشة كاملةFull screen gaming

Easy 3 click install تنصيب setup ب3 خطوات سهل جدا